Submitted by ub on

Add one more Clam Digger to the long line of City Islanders who are born here on A Slice of New York City Paradise.

Residents of City Island refer to the visitors as "mussel suckers" while calling themselves "clam diggers," maybe going back to the days when clam digging was in abundance. Clam digging stopped but the name remained.

My friend, neighbor, and fellow journalist Patrick Rocchio and his lovely wife Anh welcomed their baby girl this day, as they like to say. Mary was born early this morning. Mom and Dad are glad….and tired!

Meanwhile, millions of babies are born in the USA each year, in fact, 3.5 million, and also on City Island, A Slice of NYC Paradise.

This means that every year millions of newborns need to be cared for through sleepless nights and exhausting days, all while the birthing parent recovers from intense physical and emotional trauma from pregnancy and childbirth.


If that isn’t already enough of a challenge, the U.S. has thrown an extra twist to shout about: America is one of only six nations in the world that offers no national paid-leave policy.

No one who gives birth in this country is entitled by law to any paid leave from work whatsoever.

As a result, one in four women living in the US returns to work within two weeks of giving birth. They might be bleeding, swollen, sleep-deprived, and barely functioning. But to provide for their families—or simply keep their jobs—they will be working.

Take good care, APR... Cry Baby Cry (Remastered 2009)