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Kissing was like cooking, everyone could do it, but only some made it delicious. If you practice you could become a big pastry chef.

Today, will the long sweet kiss be endangered and become a thing of the past with #Covid? Social distancing made the cheek kiss a much rarer greeting, and polling suggests it may stay that way. Some say good riddance, but others miss the warmth of a good kiss.

It used to allow us to explore another person's genes before making babies with them, the body suspends the feeling of disgust and sparks the urge to kiss. Research shows that sexual arousal lessens feelings of disgust. And that is why we love kissing with tongues even though it may seem gross to some.

But don’t get me wrong, there were great kisses and there are also awkward kissing situations that make us think twice before during, and after that special moment. 

Scientifically proven, a good kiss stimulates cranial nerves, the brain also plays a role to assemble every vital detail about the other person, provide you the sync and make you feel high and rejuvenated.

But as you may know, not every kisser gives you an experience so good that you are left awed and craving. A good kisser knows how to kiss well enough, whether it’s just brushing of the cheeks or a lip to lip kiss and there are certain foolproof ways to kiss that you must know too. See below and ask yourself which one is missing from the list. Correct answers win a gift. Admin@Cimages.me 

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