Whatever happened to Mexico will pay for the wall... I'll drain the swamp and so many other so-called bait and switch moves... Has he hired the best people? Are these actions intended to build up or to destroy?
There have been massive firings from people chosen by @POTUS along with an amazing wave of Congressmen who are choosing to retire. Additionally, there is a lack of stability as one day its one thing and the next moment it is another. It appears that under the present administration, being a public servant is a not an easy job, and it’s not likely to improve.
He hired the FBI Director and appointed the Attorney General Deputy AG, but now attacks them. Inside the FBI: Anger, worry, work — and fears of lasting damage http://wapo.st/2E0DIv2?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.9b2c8b6ded90
The Wall Street Journal reports that a bipartisan pair of senators will introduce a new immigration bill to move negotiations toward a narrow agreement that leaves out contentious proposals sought by President Donald Trump. US Senators John McCain R, Chris Coons D will introduce an immigration bill that doesn't include border wall funding: http://hill.cm/P73olP3
Here are 20 promised @realDonaldTrump has already broken: http://tdig.it/2BUQjK2
Trump's new infrastructure plan doesn’t feature his campaign pledge of $1 trillion in new federal spending, promising instead $200 billion. Trump’s new infrastructure “plan,” explained https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/1/16959310/trumps-infras…
Donald Trump said 4 things that aren't true in a single 47-word tweet @CNNPolitics http://cnn.it/2nFXn8y
Two-faced Trump: the president says one thing in public, another in private https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/03/white-house-leaks-trans…
20 times Donald Trump has changed his mind since June http://wapo.st/1NB7Ffj?tid=ss_tw&utm_term=.8ff879ab6ad4
Trump’s Lies https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/06/23/opinion/trumps-lies.html