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June thru September is always the busiest season for City Island. This weekend this small and charming nautical community plays host to an outdoor arts and crafts fair, but that is not all.

As visitors and boaters enjoy the sunny skies, calm seas and warm weather, the fishing season appears to be in full swing.

City Island Current Capt. Chris Cullen has his hands full. He has welcomed his fourth baby girl, 7-pound, 6-ounce, Margaret Ann. Perhaps future captains for all four boats among his Island Current fleet at City Island. The Current skipper’s daytime anglers have super mid-Sound porgy fishing on sandworms at 50 feet, as well as bluefish and striper fishing expeditions during night-time hours.

The Nautical Museum is experiencing a renaissance of sorts. The building has been designated a historical landmark and has experienced a wonderful new wave of visitors who are interested in touring the facility, not only on weekends, but also during the week. The museum is located at 190 Fordham Street.

The restaurants continue to attract groups and some stores are reporting a slight increase in pedestrian traffic.

Photographed: City Island Images - Roberto Soto, Publisher and Executive Editor.