This third Sunday after Pentecost was the last religious service for Reverend Ezra Yew, Ph.D. and pastor for 6 years at Trinity Methodist on City Island. The congregation and many of his friends turned out in force to show his appreciation and also to thank his wonderful wife Lucia, who always greeted everyone with a radiant smile.
The warm weather matched the warmth in the hearts of every one of the multicultural individuals who filled the church, which represented all races and colors.
His personal life was never in question, and while his preaching included a Korean accent which may have become a bit difficult to understand for some, he always brought a sense of security to the small congregation. Dr. Yew earned the respect of his people to the point where whatever he wanted to do, he'd wind up doing.
Some of the participants had an opportunity to deliver prepared statements and following these comments. We also heard Reverend Yew thank God for using him for over a half century to teach the Gospel, for taking care of his family and all the members of his congregations. He said he will never forget his first church in Korea and last one on City Island. Finally, he thanked all the unsung heroes who have volunteered to provide the many church leaders services over the years.
Following the Sunday services, the adults, children, and teens participated in a luncheon, with food and refreshments, including dancing and drum performances.
The news pastor, Reverend David Jolly is expected to begin leading Sunday services next week.…/my-last-sermon-before…/
A guide to pastoral transitions: The first 30 days - United Methodist Communications…