Christmas Holy Day

Submitted by ub on

Christmas, Navidad, 圣诞 or The Feast of the Nativity is not only a day to open gifts and exchange presents. Christmas is also the day to open your hearts to friends, family, neighbors, and the entire universe.

For immigrant families like ours and many others, these special holidays come closest to the lost seasons in our homeland.

Christmas Day is an annual festival commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ, observed on December 25 as a religious and cultural celebration among billions of people all around the globe.

The Christmas holy day is also a Winter feast and gift-giving tradition when Christians celebrate the birth of the son of God our Lord Jesus Christ.

Christmas is an international religious celebration of Jesus' birth as well as a cultural and commercial event. Learn about the history of Christmas, Santa Claus, and holiday traditions worldwide.

As you can see and read below Christmas Day, on December 25, is one of the most festive Christian holidays in many countries around the world. It celebrates Jesus' birth. Many people celebrate Christmas Day with festive foods and meals.
