#CitiZen Democracy

Submitted by ub on

Share your thoughts on The need for Americans to utilize Digital Democracy for the future of USA liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Also known as Internet democracy, it is the use of information and communication technology in the political and governance processes.

Digital Democracy works in solidarity with all communities to use technology in defending our God-given civil and human rights combining: 

  • Direct democracy.
  • Representative democracy.
  • Constitutional democracy.
  • Monitory democracy.

#Americans need digital democracy to prove the majority want him locked up #USA Secret Service and Homeland Security witnessed Trump's effort to crown himself dictator and then lost key evidence by deleting texts.

After all, we are all Americans with equally important voices and opinions about how our government should deal with developing issues.

#DOSEOFNEWS https://democracy.doseofnews.com/ #DONews https://deargovernment.info/ https://www.democraticmedia.org/