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The last time the City Island Bridge was shut down for traffic, it was for another reason. It was for the Memorial Day Parade.

Today however was a totally different story. City Island Avenue was a virtual parking lot this afternoon, while officials searched for a man who jumped from top of the bridge, according to a credible eyewitness.City Island Images received at tip from a local resident, who wishes to remain anonymous. When we arrived on the scene, we spoke with public safety officials and and bystanders alike.

City Island Images was able to interview eyewitness Pat Miele. The City Island resident told us that he was driving home with his kid, when he saw a young man jump from the bridge at around 5P and immediately dialed 911. The 32 year old PS 83 Math teacher said" I saw the guy jump from the top of the bride and he cleared the fence into the water."

NYFD Battalion 15 Chief Keith Cartica told City Island Images that frog men and marine units have been searching, but so far to no avail. He says guy is either stuck in the murky and muddy waters, or has since drifted towards New Jersey.

If you, or anyone else you know has a news tip, please contact City Island Images, and feel free to keep it confidential, if you wish. or 718 885 1607 or 212 300 7492.