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On November 4th the City Island Theater Group will premiere Arthur Miller’s acclaimed classic play THE CRUCIBLE directed by Maria Provenzano and Nick Sala.

The Crucible is a fictional retelling of events in American history surrounding the Salem Witch Trials of the seventeenth century. Yet, it is as much a story of the time in which Miller wrote it (the early 1950s, and the “Red Scare” that dominated the period) as it is a description of Puritan society. At its core, the play deals with morality vs. self-preservation and shows the lengths to which people will go to obtain power, avenge a prior wrong and/or avoid persecution. Its themes of conformity vs. dissent and community vs. individuation remain as relevant today as they were in 1692.

Leslie R. Blumgold, Nicole Colina, Carol Dooner, John Geil, Hannah Glick (11/4, 11, 13 & 19), Sarah Harrold, Hannah Ludemann (11/5, 6, 12 & 18), Julia McCarthy, Amanda Mola, Nicolas Perugini, Sandra Prosnitz, Andrew Ravick, Matthieu Regney, Keith Rodriguez, Frank Siciliano, Benjamin Spierman, Elizabeth Vacca, Germania Vasquez & Bruce Weis.

Don’t miss the stunning production. Reserve your tickets now!