Submitted by ub on

CRT is a practice focused on the relationships between conceptions of race and ethnicity, social and political laws, and media.

Critical race theory also considers racism to be systemic in various laws and rules, and not based only on individuals' prejudices. We The People need to support #CRT

Conservatives have cultivated an image of the American university as a bastion of radicalism in which subversive professors recruit impressionable teenagers to the cause of “Gay Race Communism.” It’s a town crier move that more than proves its culture war cred but also has the quite unintended consequences of making conservatives look like the clueless Fox News devotees that have inspired many a barb on social media

In my years as a professor, I can attest that the concepts of CRT have run rampant through the university both public and private for the last decade.

The concept of critical race theory, or CRT, has wrongly been vilified by politicians as a “radical,” “un-American,” and “racially divisive” concept. Several states have even banned schools from teaching critical race theory, with more states debating doing the same. For example, if I taught at a public university in Idaho rather than in Washington, recent legislation would prohibit me from applying a CRT lens in my classroom.…
