The Days of Whines and Overdoses

Submitted by ub on


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 02/26/2018 - 07:17


Global warming, famine, wildfires, terror attacks, rising tensions with North Korea, racist rallies, political investigations, power-hungry leaders, more mass shootings, a tsunami of sexual harassment accusations, the role of Russians in world elections, climate change, international power struggle international climate catastrophe...etc. Put it all together, and it’s understandable why exhausted earthlings are limping along and running out of gas.

Wake up, everyone everywhere around the world. Sorry for the slap in the face but consider this as a wake-up call and a warning for the coming days of whines and overdoses.

Please take a hard look at the world we live in today as some of the most powerful nations are either causing mass destruction, while others are turning their heads to look the other way.

The following words, sounds, and images may be disturbing but will make clear some of the most disgraceful sagas in the history of the world.

How did we get this far in terms of hate, destruction, violence, homelessness, drug addiction, and incivility? These aren't just America's problem, of course. It's a growing mess throughout the entire world. I've seen countries of all sizes and political dispositions wrestle unsuccessfully with it for decades. The United Nations holds meetings and throws money at some of the problems, to no avail while earth resembles an outdoor sewer.

Why are there so many people suffering, innocent children dying and there seems to be no end in sight. The world's problems increase, while the rich get richer and so many nations and multinational corporations appear to forget everyone else.

Has our so-called modern society reached a level of desperation while losing our collective dignity? What are we going to collectively do about it now and what will we tell the next generation when they as why we did not speak up sooner?

The worlds' brutal behavior is getting completely out of hand, but why are there not enough people are speaking up to put a stop to the madness it before its too late?

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