The distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time with extremely cold conditions are really like the ones affecting 88 million Americans across the USA. NYC could then see 50 degrees by Thursday.
Unfortunately, even as New York has occasionally been blasted with bitterly cold below zero temperatures and frozen precipitation, the rest of the world has kept warming. The past four years have been the four warmest years on record. This is a real fact that NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were due to announce this past week, but the government was shut down.
Get ready for some extreme cold in New York: 'It'll be a pretty brutal day'…
Deep Freeze Coming To U.S. Courtesy Of The Polar Vortex…
New York City will be blasted with dangerously cold weather on Monday…
Flash freeze of melting snowstorm seen icing over U.S. Northeast
Ice glazes over a swath of US as wind chills fall below zero