Delta’s No Lady

Submitted by ub on

It was going to be a new beginning with relative normalcy. However, it turned into a politicized, anxiety-provoking experience.

Breakthrough infections. Increased transmission. New mask recommendations and mandates. The #Delta variant is fueling #COVID-19 cases across the world and raising questions about what this all means for the course of the pandemic. It was first detected in India in March, and it now accounts for more than 93 percent of sequenced coronavirus cases in the USA.

All the vaccines remain effective at preventing severe illness and death from the #Delta variant. Several studies have reported the #Pfizer vaccine to be 93 to 100 percent effective against hospitalization and death, but lower effectiveness, 64 to 88 percent, against all symptomatic diseases. Would you rather breathe through a mask or a ventilator?

Anyone who is keeping track will agree that is the third academic year that has been disrupted by the coronavirus global pandemic. And while there is support to return be business as usual, that was based on evidence from last year that the coronavirus did not spread widely.

‘Then along came other variants like Delta and others which may surely follow because of the pushback from many who do not believe in the medical research, don’t flow science, or just don’t care about preventive steps and precautions.

The warnings were predicted, but sadly they should have could have would have been prevented with an ounce of common sense. For the first time in some time, folks were feeling a sense of hope that the pandemic was dispersing, allowing a return to normalcy. But scientists warn Ed not to let our guards down because the extremely contagious COVID-19 Delta variant continues to spread worldwide.