Empathy vs Ego

Submitted by ub on

We all have an ego, but size differ. We got it in primary school when kids were jerks or perhaps earlier if our older siblings, or other family members were jerks first. The ego kept us safe from the emotional slings and arrows. But now that we're grown, it is a wall that separates. It's time for it to come down. By practicing openness instead of defensiveness, forgiveness instead of vengeance, apology instead of blame, vulnerability instead of strength, and grace instead of power.

Empathy is a bit more difficult to cultivate because it does not happen simultaneously between two people. One person must always go first, and there's no guarantee of reciprocation. It takes risk and sacrifice. So most of us wait for our partner to go first. And when one partner actually does take the empathy plunge, it's almost always a belly flop. The truth is, the people we love are fallible human beings and they will never be the perfect people we want them to be. Please consider showing love and controlling our ego by taking the empathy plunge.

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