Submitted by ub on

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 04/24/2016 - 20:23


If you could get an interview with Arthur Bremer, the man who shot George Wallace in 1972, I would be greatly impressed. He was released from prison nearly 10 years ago and hasnt spoken publically since his trial. An interview with him would be a major coup for little ol' cimages. Wallace always felt Bremer was supported by political adversaries, that story has never been told.

If we want something, we have to go after it and tell our story. To be real, accountable and bold.

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Human interest stories are empowering when shared authentically, with accountability. Humans are empowered by authenticity and inspired by bold vulnerability.

Startup Life struggles are real and scary and hard. And we all lose hope at times. But there is a way to the light. Sharing struggles in such a way that we empower one another  and  not judge one another or blame one another, ourselves included.