Five For Fukushima

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Five years have now passed since Japan suffered a triple catastrophe: an earthquake, a tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant meltdown.

As the agency for advice and assistance on public health, WHO shares the concerns of the affected populations in Japan and continues monitoring the health risk situation in Fukushima.

Related public health risk assessments and recommendations have been issued by WHO. Today the major challenge remains in the area of mitigation psycho-social impact of the disaster.

Who's on second? WHO continues to support Member States in building national capacities for preparedness and response to radiation emergencies and implementing the International Health Regulations.
WHO develops technical tools, training and exercises, promotes international cooperation and provides an information-sharing platform with its Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance Global network of biodosimetry laboratories. Through these partnerships, it contributes to the development, promotion, and harmonization of international radiation safety standards.
WHO supports countries to increase their Disaster Risk Management capacities pursuant to the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction.
WHO collaborates with international organizations using the existing inter-agency framework and arrangements under the Joint Radiation Emergency Management Plan of the International Organizations for preparedness for and response to a radiation incident or emergency.
WHO continues its efforts towards implementation of the International Basic Safety Standards by promoting international cooperation, harnessing research, providing advice on risk assessment and evidence-based policies development.

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