GOP = GO Phishing

Submitted by ub on

The GOP leadership has gone phishing to Camp David a place he claims to hate in an effort to determine what to do following the recent POTUS and Republican dismal approval ratings.  Trump has spent most of his illegitimate presidency watching TV, Tweeting,  or playing golf and now he has invited his closest Republican allies there, after inviting the Taliban.

GOP toppers may be forced to agree on which lies and distortions to support as they head into the crucial stretch of the 2020 campaign, USA voters need to prepare because Republicans and Trump say anything if they think it will help them get re-elected. We have seen real examples from the GOP controlled Senate and The White House as recently as this week. 

The Republican campaign have been may frame the 2020 race as being Trump vs “the Radical Left” instead of being Trump vs Biden. the GOP is so afraid to face Biden head on, they will be pretending Biden isn’t even his real opponent.

Also, did you know that Trump has fired four inspectors general in less than six weeks because he says he believes in transparency and is the most ethical and law-abiding president of the modern era? 

Fired by Trump:

May 15, 2020
Steve Linick, State Department Inspector General 

May 1, 2020
Christi Grimm, HHS Inspector General 

April 7, 2020
Glenn Fine, Defense Department Inspector General  

April 3, 2020
Michael Atkinson , Intelligence Community Inspector General

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As a former federal government official who was recruited by the last real Republican administration, I wonder why they told the American people that Hillary Clinton had to be locked up, to no avail, or the thousands of lies that followed.

POTUS pusges thugs who support him to go out there and protest against The Democrats governors for doing their jobs. Trump routinely smears the free press and his Tweets are inciting violence against journalists and public servants.

It is time for Grand Old Party to return to the party of Lincoln and back to basics to nominate a real Republican party representative. Romney, Pence, or just about anyone else would make more sense. Tell your representatives how you really feel. They work for every American. 
