#DespiertenseAmericanos ¿Se inició la marcha de migrantes a través de Honduras, Guatemala y México como una operación falsa en los últimos días de la campaña a mediano plazo para darle razon a POTUS de atacar Latinos y justificar el traslado de tropas estadounidenses a la frontera de #USA, para alentar el miedo y la violencia? ¿Es un acto frenético con confrontación y violencia contra los Hispanos? #VOTE
#WakeUpAmericans Did the migrants march through Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico as a fake operation in the last days of the medium-term campaign to give a reason for POTUS to attack Latinos and justify the transfer of US troops to the #USA border to encourage fear and violence? Frenzied act with confrontation and violence against Hispanics?
During a time when the US disastrously marginalizes Hispanos, we hope and pray that today's youth internalize their great message and never lose the identity of our ancestors, or the lessons learned from our rich language, culture, and courage. #QueVivaNuestraAmerica
Why haven't more Latinos mobilized? With over 55 million Hispanics and growing stronger. Hispanics must turn around the under-representation of Latinos and the lack of diversity in all walks of life. These are issues that are important to Hispanics and we should unite and portray a much more united front sympathetically. Latinos will become nearly one-quarter of the US population by 2035. We are one.
#HispanosUnidosdeAmerica son más de 50 millones y seguimos creciendo mucho más fuerte. Hay que dar la vuelta por la escasa representación de los Latinos y la falta de diversidad en todos los ámbitos de nuedtra vida . Estos son temas muy importantes para los Hispanos y debemos de organizarnos y retratar un frente unido con mas simpatía. Somos uno.
I am proud to be a Hispanic Latino. This is our America. Es Nuestra America.
Latinos are 630m people – almost double the USA 320m or 10 times the size of the UK 65m Home to the three biggest cities in the Americas – Sao Paulo, Mexico City, and Lima. New York is the 4th largest followed by Bogota, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago, then Los Angeles. The most urbanized region in the world, with about 80% of its population living in cities
But it’s not all built-up – the Amazon sprawls across eight countries, comprises 1.4 billion acres of dense forest and is home to one in ten of all known species on earth
6,700 miles / 10,800 km from the north of Mexico to the south of Argentina – the same as London to Singapore
From east to west – it covers 4 time zones Brazil -2 GMT and Mexico -6
GDP of around £4.3 trillion / US $5.3 trillion World Bank
Latin America and the Caribbean would rank as the world’s fourth-largest economy, after the EU, USA, and China. Bigger than India and Japan.