Gullible Travels

Submitted by ub on

The only generalization that is true is the thousands of predictions of the end of times, they were all wrong. Take Y2K it was a non event. How about the Mayan calendar ending the world in 2012, we are still here. Now comes Q. Where did Q come from and why is Q anonymous.Over the last year as a retired person I have spent all too much time watching television. To the extent of watching shows I never would have watched before.

One has been ,"Star Trek ,The Next Generation". I now have the dialogue of each show embedded in my head. One recurring character is a God like creature that appears now and then to pester the captain and crew. The character comes up with challenges for the crew, the challenges were all invented and all were ridiculous. That is where it came to me, the characters name is Q. It is easy to deduce that who ever our recent Q is, he or she got the name from Star Trek. The followers of Q have been led into" anon land": by a" treky".

Our former President defrauded thousands with a real estate university. It follows that a  Trek Geek with computer smarts could grab thousands with the Q impersonation. 2012 advocates made a fortune with books and movies. Q must have made a great deal with t-shirt sales , flags and hats.Imagine the people who actually sent money to Q. It was a gold mine idea. P.T.Barnum said 100 years ago," there is a sucker born every minute". Someone else said,"you can sell 10000 copies of anything in America". We have nothing to fear but our own gullibility.

By; Dave Walby