Hugs and kisses are used for expressing appreciation, sincerity, faith, friendship, or love.
However, hugging is also a great way to show affection. Indicating that you care and support that person through good times and bad.
Italiano: Abbracciare Qualcuno, Español: dar un abrazo, Português: Abraçar, Deutsch: Jemanden umarmen, Français: faire une accolade, Nederlands: Knuffelen, Русский: обнять человека, Čeština: Jak někoho obejmout, Bahasa Indonesia: Memeluk, 中文: 拥抱, 日本語: ハグをする, ไทย: กอด, العربية: العناق, हिन्दी: गले लगायें, 한국어: 포옹하는 법, Tiếng Việt: Ôm Ai đó
In the good old days, which really weren't so good, most people didn’t live to get old. If you survived birth, infections, wars, and pestilence you stood a decent chance of reaching an advanced age of fifty. So reach out and hug someone soon.
Therefore, stay healthy and have a great holiday season everyone. HUGS XOXO