The hurricane season begins 6/1/16 and ends 11/30/16. Is your mitigation and if that fails, a disaster response strategy in place? If you've experienced a hurricane, then you know why I am posting this.
Hurricane season officially starts next week for storms that form in the eastern Pacific Ocean, but more notably, it's also the start of Hurricane Awareness Week. The National Weather Service says is the best time to prepare for a potential hit from a tropical storm or hurricane.
While Pacific hurricanes rarely affect the US, they can hit the West Coast of Mexico. In the Atlantic, where hurricanes form that often threaten the nation, the season officially gets underway on June 1. Experts are predicting a near-average Atlantic hurricane season this year, with five hurricanes likely.
The National Hurricane Center conducts a practical program of education and outreach on hazardous tropical weather for the public, educators, students, scientists, businesses, and government agencies. Increased awareness of hazardous tropical weather and its potential impacts are vital to the public and those emergency managers charged with safeguarding lives and property. NHC fulfills this responsibility through direct contact with these groups; formal and informal training; increased data availability; dissemination of scientific and other publications and feedback to effectively adapt to evolving needs.