2021 Resolution vs Intention

Submitted by ub on

The God awful year of a pandemic that we all feared is now in the rear. 2020 is behind us, and chances are, you are setting goals. You may have decided that 2021 is your opportunity to make up for every single word you didn’t produce amid Coronavirus or Covid-19. But how realistic are your New Year’s writing resolutions or intentions?

Setting overly aggressive goals is the equivalent of deciding to give up juicy burgers and fries for seaweed-and-cordyceps burritos and TOFU because you want to start eating “clean” in 2021.

A bright and beautiful woman who is near and dear to my heart sent me this intention template she got from a Southern California celebrity.

I suggest a more measured approach to your 2021 New Year’s goal-setting:

Why don’t we try replacing the unhealthiest, pandemic-panic-eating habits with, say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and no one wants to go anywhere near a hospital, not today.

And why not approach your goals in a similarly low-key way so that you can actually achieve them? Here is my advice for readers who sent me their overly aggressive goals for 2021.


Whatever you decide on, please keep your intentions on track to reality. And whatever you do, don't be misunderstood.




I want to quit-


I want to learn-


I want to try-


I want to have-


I want to start-


I want to stop-


2021 Intentions / Detailed








