Today is February 29 and it only comes aroind every four years. What's the point of this extra day? To realign our clocks and calendars with the universe.
Earth's orbit around the sun. In Ireland, Feb. 29 is Bachelor's Day, a day when women propose to men. And just as with every other day of the year, babies are born on Feb. 29.
If you're a leaping baby... Happy birthday. Astrologers say you have unusual talents, with an unusual birthday. Here are some things you probably didn't know about Leap Day.
Since it is Leap Day, please know we're excited about the extra day. BBC News - Leap year: 10 things about 29 February
FEBRUARY 29, 2016: What happens on a Leap Day? via @gmanews
Leap Year 2016 February 29th - why is there an extra day every four years? | via @Telegraph…