Mega Flash

Submitted by ub on

An American flashback in the pan becomes the new World record 477-mile-long lightning “MegaFlash” now confirmed over the USA.

The official explanation of a mega flash is any horizontal lightning bolt that travels more than 62 miles (100 kilometers.) This new record flash went far beyond the definition.

U.S. lightning bolt leaps into record books at 477 miles long

Longest lightning strike over the Gulf of Mexico

Equivalent to the distance from New York City, NY to Columbus, Ohio, a single lightning strike has been certified as the longest ever recorded.…

Longest lightning bolt record: 477 miles over 3 states…

Record-breaking #megaflash lightning documented in North and South America…

World record 477-mile-long lightning ‘MegaFlash’ confirmed over the U.S.

The World Meteorological Organization also certified a flashover South America that lasted a record 17 seconds…

Megaflash: World record lightning bolt stretches 477 miles across three US states. It extended through Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi  - around the distance between London, England, and Hamburg, Germany.…