America, love it or leave it, the saying goes. I realize it has a deep-seated racist connotation, and I too had it hurled at me and worse.
I love America, but I’m not alone. The whole world loves America. In 1970, country singer Ernest Tubb was really pissed off and would not take it anymore.
“Well, I’m getting mighty tired of seeing hippies run wild and burning down the schools and stepping on the flag,” he sorta sings mostly rants. Tubb’s song crescendoes with the chorus: “It’s America—love it or leave it.”
‘Just like The European Union and other nations are attempting unification, why doesn’t America do the same with North, Central, The Caribbean, and South America?
Affairs to Remember. Today review an old classic. In fact, this was the first Hollywood major motion picture I enjoyed as an American.
If this film spectacular does not make you love being home in America, you don't get it.…