I assume Einstein researcher friends, who once invited me to play a board game called Pandemic had no idea how close this would get to becoming a reality. The cooperative game Is played by helping friends beat a specific decease.
Déjà vu? Our weak position is dominated by news of a spreading respiratory virus and recalling pandemics past, from SARS in 2003 to the Ebola scare years ago.
China’s coronavirus outbreak couldn’t have come at a worse time: Lunar New Year Because this is the major travel season for celebrating the Spring Festival with family and friends.
The mayor of #Wuhan, an epicenter of #coronavirus, says that 5 million people left the city due to #LunarNewYear travel and the outbreak. 9 million are still in the city. Wuhan has millions more migrant workers.
A coronavirus virus outbreak has spread to eight countries on three continents.
The World Health Organization is gathering a panel of experts to determine whether the outbreak warrants being declared a global health emergency and how it can be managed. Wuhan Coronavirus death toll rises to 17 in China as #WHO considers declaring a global health emergency.
In China, hundreds of people have been diagnosed with the virus, and now officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that the virus was confirmed in Washington state.
Previous global emergencies have been declared for the ongoing Ebola outbreak in Congo, the emergence of the Zika virus in the Americas in 2016 and the West Africa Ebola outbreak in 2014.
Cases of new viral respiratory illness rise sharply in China https://apnews.com/902c9f9f551d55b227b3d754f42aad50
Coronavirus death toll rises to 9 as experts consider declaring a public health emergency https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/01/22/wuhan-china-coron…
Hong Kong confirms first case of new Wuhan virus http://a.msn.com/01/en-us/BBZchQq?ocid=st2