Puerto Rico and Mexico

Submitted by ub on


On Hispanic Heritage Month, the people of the US cannot forget the people of Puerto Rico and Mexico. http://wapo.st/2fiZ7AD https://www.wsj.com/articles/out-of-the-rubble-in-mexico-1506289530

Our brothers and sisters in Mexico and Puerto Rico are among those who need much help and assistance during these difficult, trying times. Please donate to the International Red Cross. https://www.icrc.org/en

Nuestros hermanos y hermanas en México y Puerto Rico son entre los que necesitan mucha ayuda y asistencia durante estos tiempos muy difíciles. Favor de donar a La Cruz Roja Internacional. https://www.icrc.org/es

Americn Red Cross https://safeandwell.communityos.org/cms/index.php