
Submitted by ub on

Retribution is an act or punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act. A punishment, penalty, nemesis, fate, doom, one's just deserts, due reward, just reward, wages.

Trump accuses others of plotting treason, but who is the real offender of treason against #USA?

First, when was the last time you heard the word retribution be used by or come out of this president’s mouth?

How many other people and politicians has #SNL made fun of over the decades? ‪Trump Press Conference Cold Open - SNL @POTUS thin skin and the presidency…

Last, NBC was the media most responsible for his rise as a TV celebrity, so what’sreally Going on here? ‪ALL Donald Trump success quotes & business tips from ''The Apprentice'' ...

Trump wants "retribution" against SNL and critical news, again calling media the "enemy of the people"…

Alec Baldwin suggests Trump's latest attack on 'SNL' could be 'a threat to my safety'…

Presidents Day

Alec Baldwin: Trump's 'SNL' Attack May Be 'A Threat To My Safety'…