Submitted by Admin on

Donald J Trumps's political camp pain was successful attacking his opponents and denying much of what has long been the norm. Are constant denials a partisan issue or the solution to problems?

He denied climate change, that generals knew what they're doing, that America is already great, denying the real outcome of our election... etc.

But denial is no longer going to make it. Investigations into Russian hacking will not be denied.
So, why is the president-elect denying the Russians hacked the US and what is the purpose for going out of his way to blame everything and everyone, including casting doubt on our intelligence community? Why is he undermining the credibility of The United States of America?

McCain says panel to probe if Russia hacked the US…

A house divided: The alarming response to Russian meddling in American democracy via @TheEconomist

Russia aimed to help Trump through hacking, CIA finds via @NewsHour

Trump on Russian hacking: 'I don't believe it' @CNNPolitics

Donald Trump weighs in on Russia hacking election, CIA intelligence…

Trump, Mocking Claim That Russia Hacked Election, at Odds with G.O.P.

BBC News - Donald Trump rejects CIA Russia hacking report

McCain and Graham on Russian hacking: 'This cannot become a partisan issue'