This Ain’t No Party

Submitted by ub on

As a former GM-15/10 Division Chief for President #GeorgeHWBush, I often ask myself how on earth did #Republicans allow the Grand Old Party aka @GOP to go from the party of #AbrahamLincoln to the one of #BarryGoldwater then to #RichardNixon and now to @realDonaldTrump and for what reason?

Trump treats #USA and our nation’s election security as a big joke with the man who everyone agrees and evidence proves he violated it multiple times.

POTUS on Putin: "A great guy." About Xi Jinping: "A great guy." And about Kim Jong-un: "A great leader." The Grand Old Party would have been shocked. What Wrong with Republicans WTF?

Is this yet another violation of @POTUS oath of office? How many more do we need before members of #Congress comply with theirs? Contact your US Representatives now.

Like old pals, Trump, Putin make light of election meddling

Trump, with a wag, asks Putin not to meddle in U.S. elections

Trump’s presidency ‘needs to be annulled’: Actor says that’s the only response for ‘illegitimate’ president…

The U.S. is ill-equipped to counter the increasingly brazen political warfare Russia is waging to undermine democracies, the Pentagon and independent strategists warn…

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