Submitted by ub on

Including our family, early school friends, and former neighbors, who would you say are the 12 best people to be thankful for?

Thanksgiving is when we are supposed to share gratitude. We recount all the stuff we love having but in reality, that’s little more than a Tarzan-like pharisaical breast-beating. 

Our time on earth is limited, and we should be humbled by that realization. Nobody will be happy if they keep raising the bar for gratitude and then insist on being a miserable person when the world inevitably disappoints them. Be an optimist. 

Besides being thankful for our health and happiness, because wealth is somewhat overrated and since most have seen or heard about the dirty dozen and a group of unsavory characters who we should stay away from, this is the complete opposite. 

Can you list a few dozen people who you are glad to have met in our lives? I know I have and the group includes several dozen, starting with my wife and kids and grandchildren family and life-long friends, then moving on to neighbors and colleagues I have met at work or along the way through the winding path we call life.

I am thankful for my family my friends and for having a home to rest and relax, which I appreciate. Home makes us feel safe and gives us comfort and joy. 

  1. Holidays with family or friends
  2. A good meal
  3. A comfy couch or chair
  4. Thank you notes
  5. Our favorite Thanksgiving side dish
  6. Freedom of Religion and the press
  7. Working with our hands
  8. Unconditional love
  9. Uncontrollable laughter
  10. Good food
  11. Road trips
  12. Hot Showers
  13. The smell of freshly baked cookies
  14. Learning from unique cultures or traditions
  15. Good neighbors
  16. Seeing old friends
  17. Old photographs
  18. Grandparents
  19. Sit-Down dinners
  20. A nice cup of hot chocolate
  21. Funny things and people
  22. Mutual respect
  23. Finally getting to wear something new
  24. Not being a turkey

Here are a couple of dozen more random reasons to be thankful for

  1. Reading and literacy
  2. Leisure time
  3. Successfully making something new
  4. Campfires
  5. The lessons learned
  6. Rainbows
  7. Diversity
  8. Challenges
  9. Choices
  10. Forgiveness
  11. Driving and getting green lights
  12. Comfortable shoes and clothing
  13. Checking something off your to-do list
  14. Positive feedback
  15. Naptime
  16. Bursts of inspiration
  17. The Universe
  18. Heartfelt apologies
  19. Long conversations
  20. Farmers markets
  21. Blowing bubbles
  22. Fresh, warm sheets on your bed
  23. Seeing something from a new angle
  24. Favorite memories

Finally, many would love to see MoM or DaD come up on their phone again, so if you still get these... You are blessed.
