Viva Latinos

Submitted by ub on

As we wrap up yet another National Hispanic Heritage Month, this #USA 30-day reality play which ends on October 15, three days after my birthday, please remember that it was enacted into law by Republican President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to celebrate the stories and achievements of Latino US citizens who trace their lineage to Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and throughout all of The Americas. Hispanos Unidos jamas seran vencidos.

Mientras que terminamos otro Mes Nacional de la Herencia Hispana, una realidad en #USA de 30 días que finaliza el 15 de octubre, tres días después de mi cumpleaños, recuerden que fue promulgado por el presidente Republicano Ronald Reagan en 1988 para celebrar las historias y logros de los ciudadanos Latinos de EE. UU. que remontan su linaje a España, México, el Caribe y en toda Las Américas. United Hispanics will never be defeated.

We must never ever give up. Venceremos is owning our anger on behalf of all minorities who have been pushed aside. On behalf of all Hispanics Latinos, Native Americans, African Americans and anyone who gets shut out of power by white men who don’t want to share political power.

We all belong here are we're not going anywhere. Todos nosotros pertenecemos aquí, y no vamos a ninguna parte.