There is a war on truth and justice, where some members in our government may have become complicit. The most recent battle has POTUS Trump and his administration opening up a new front in the war on the rule of law. First, judges were attacked, then FBI, then DOJ and now the World Court? What’s going on here folks?
I remember as a child hearing the phrase Truth and Justice and the American way. What has happened since then? PBS Superheroes
Trump’s Long War with Justice. He fought the law and won. Could it happen once again?…
Now the targets are judges and prosecutors on the International Criminal Court. Ambassador David Scheffer on John Bolton’s Announcement of “Ugly and Dangerous” Punitive Actions against Judges, Prosecutors of Int’l Criminal Court…
A dispute that calls out for a diplomatic solution. The Trump Administration Throws Down the Gauntlet to the ICC. The Court Should Decline The Challenge…
Way back then and In the beginning, there was Robert Bork. He was The Original Originalist, now thirty years after Robert Bork was denied a seat on the Supreme Court, his formidable legacy lives on
Now, journalist Bob Woodward is a liar, according to Trump, who opens up on the famed Watergate reporter with both barrels after he says the president is waging 'war on truth' and 'detached from the reality' of his job……
“If we are infected with hate and the lack of knowledge — who these people really are, what’s inside, what’s driving them — we could lose our wonderful democracy." @realBobWoodward on what we should learn from Watergate and President Nixon: