We Don't Need No Stinking... Bill A Wall?

Submitted by Admin on

How did we go from Build a wall and make Mexico pay for it to Bill a wall to US taxpayers?
Is it possible that the American taxpayer will lose health care and be billed for a border wall instead?

Mexico was supposed to pay for Trump's wall. Now that they won't, will Congress cut health care and Medicaid to fund the wall? Is this stinking wall more important than the health, welfare, and education of every US citizen?

Don't give any more tax money to rich people and corporations. Funds should no longer go towards military spending.

Cutting the corporate tax rate is dumb unless your Trump inc., Koch industries, Adelson, DeVoss... etc.

Schumer Laughs at Trump’s ‘Border Wall for Health Care’ Deal http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2017/04/schumer-laughs-off-trumps-…

Kamala Harris: ‘Trump’s Wall Is a Stupid Waste of Money’ http://www.theroot.com/kamala-harris-trump-s-wall-is-a-stupid-waste-of-…

Dem Lawmakers Respond To Mulvaney's O'Care, Border Wall Proposal: No Way! http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/democrats-shoot-down-mulvaney-oba…

"It will choke off life from both sides," scientist says of Trump's border wall http://nbcnews.to/2q1hCwX