Trump is flip-flopping his way to becoming George W. Bush http://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/4/13/1652808/-Trump-is-flip-flopping…
Trump-o-Meter update: a broken promise by @realDonaldTrump on declaring China a currency manipulator. http://bit.ly/2pyEB29
What are you talking about Donald?
Trump changes more and more positions as his staff tries to explain why http://usat.ly/2orMTcH
President Trump boasts that he hires only the best people, but is anyone trying to explain how his personal hires like Michael, Paul, and Carter, Kelly Anne, Steve, Saun, and Reince are the best people? These choices may continue to hold up Trump's get tired of winning promises. The American voters may be getting sick and tired of the constant flip flops.
As far as promises kept, inaccurate comments, accusations without proof, and the list just keep on growing. Trump has been in the White House for less than 100 days, yet he's already reversed himself on many of his key campaign promises. Trump called China the “world champions” of currency manipulation just 10 days ago. He said NATO was obsolete and has reversed himself yet again.
Trump flips on NATO, China currency. Broken promises? http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/opinion/the-conversation/sd-donald-…
Trump changing his stance on key campaign promises http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/trump-changing-his-stance-on-key-campaign…
Within 24 hours, Donald Trump changed his position on 4 topics. http://trib.al/iKzxb2e
Even Trump's spokesman can't explain his economic policy flip-flops, reports @GrahamDavidA http://theatln.tc/2owcCCm pic.twitter.com/YQhYPCPe0N
The best explanation for Donald Trump’s spate of recent flip-flops? http://theatln.tc/2oZYnao
Robert Reich: Trump’s 13 broken promises (so far) | Opinion http://www.newsweek.com/robert-reich-trumps-thirteen-broken-promises-so…
Check out Trump-O-Meter! http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/
BBC News - Trump's promises before and after the election http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37982000
Americans hate mostly everyone who works in the White House, poll says. http://trib.al/SyucvkQ
Trump and lawmakers on Syria, jobs, court http://apne.ws/2oq3y2y