USA Won't Be Fooled Again

Submitted by ub on

American voters were unfortunately fooled before, but after thousands of lives are lost, they may never be fooled again. The US Military may provide 100K body bags for potential civilian use as deaths could soar in the coming weeks from the coronavirus pandemic. USA Citizens need Competence - Empathy - Truth - Leadership in Government.

POTUS pattern is to ignore a problem, proclaim plenty of proof, pound his chest and then move on to the next catastrophe. Trump failed the credibility test because the mission has not been accomplished. USA citizens will ultimately speak up at the polls on Election Day. Did you know That POTUS played golf multiple times during the days from January to March, as the #Coronavirus crisis deepened? So Trump's attention was hardly diverted as the GOP now claims. More BS Republican propaganda and fake news.

How could This happen here? America is the wealthiest and The most powerful nation on earth, so how were we so far behind the curve? From disaster supplies to complex federal pandemic readiness plans, our so-called leadership was in denial with reportedly next to nothing planned.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me three times shame on all of US. You took advantage of our trusting and giving nature and what you expected were unlimited second chances and even worse tried to make Americans feel bad about it. But we will never change who we are. America was always the greatest nation on earth. The USA 🇺🇸 was great before you were born and America will continue to be great after you are gone.

This country was made great by the men and women who served our military, like my late brother. Americans who sacrificed their lives for liberty and the pursuit of happiness and served honorably without using deferments with fake excuses.

We will not allow you to change who we are and the great American experiment of multicultural diversity we all represent. You will now learn that you no longer fit in our lives. We do not care about your fake ratings, your fake hair, your fake tan, make up... etc.

Many have watched you over the years boast about your intelligence, but bankruptcies, a failed university, fraud accusations, and sexual assaults continue to follow you, while you refuse to take responsibility for any of your actions.

The Republicans plan This election year will be enveloped in public health and economic catastrophe. GOP is attempting to evade responsibility and redirect it - to China, US Governors, Medical providers, Obama, Democrats and the news media.

Why have you attacked our democracy and embraced communist dictators all over the world? After being repeatedly fooled American citizens will finally learn from our mistakes and avoid being tricked in the same way again. By using our voice in the ballot box.

No major city will be spared from COVID-19. Densely populated metropolitan areas, major transit hubs are already seeing spikes in infection rates. But the world's patchwork pandemic response is revealing that most areas that were too slow to put in place strong social distancing measures may be especially hard-hit.

By the way, if you have not registered to vote by mail, do it now. Also, today is US Census Day.