Horsing Around

Submitted by ub on

Ear position says so much and plays a huge role in the body language of horses. They can’t say anything without using their ears.

I truly love horses. As a young boy my Dad and godfather took me to see horses and I eventually I got my own horse named Cuca who I adored and spoke with in Spanish. However, it does not matter what language we speak to horses. The importan thing to understand them and know is that they all speak the same body language.

We have an ancient relationship with horses. Nomads probably domesticated the first horses some 4K years ago, and the animals remained essential to many human societies until the advent of the engine. Horses still hold a place of honor in many cultures, often linked to heroic exploits in war.

A body language based on movement first and vocalizations second. It may seem aggressive or dangerous to people but it is essential for horse-to-horse non-verbal communication.

Windows to the Soul - They say, “Eyes are the window to the soul”. With horses, it’s the ears that are the window to the soul!

Ears forward:

  • I am looking ahead in my direction of travel
  • I am focused on something out there, “What is that?”
  • Hello and Salutations!
  • I am interested
  • I am curious
  • Something has my attention
  • I am on alert

Ears back in a passive manner

One ear cocked back:

  • I am paying attention to something behind me
  • I am aware of something to the side of me
  • I am paying attention to my rider
  • I am aware of things in both directions
  • I am thinking

Both ears cocked back:

  • I am paying attention to something behind me
  • I am listening to my rider
  • A polite way of standing next to or behind other horses. ”I recognize your seniority, no need to kick me.” or “I’m boss over you, but you can relax, I’m not going to get you.”
  • I am curious, but I’m not sure…maybe I’ll touch it with my nose while my ears watch my back!

Ears pinned back:

  • Go away!
  • I am angry
  • I am scared and angry
  • No!
  • Don’t hurt me

Ears back + head swing = non passive

Ears pinned flat to the skull:

  • I am going to attack (usually accompanied by barred teeth and a snaky outstretched head and neck)

Ears relaxed to the side:

  • I am relaxed
  • I am contented or sleepy
  • I am concentrating deeply
  • I am listening for your next command
  • When flopping while walking…I am thinking

Ears twitching quickly back and forth:

  • I am nervous
  • I am worried
  • “How can I get away?”
  • I am on the verge of panic

These are additional facts about hese magnificent creatures.

  • Horses can sleep standing up.
  • Horses have lightning fast reflexes. 
  • Horses have 10 muscles in their ears. 
  • Horses can't breathe through their mouth.
  • Horses have a nearly 360 degree field of vision.

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