If you want to ensure your New Year's Eve party is as exciting as can be, make sure you invite a Libra like yours truly. Just saying.
We have so much fun at holiday get-togethers, and our joy is infectious. We are known to dance and sing songs at the top of our lungs, and they always make sure everyone takes a holiday-themed shot.
As an air sign, we can mix and mingle with everyone, even if we have never met. Libras make the rounds and can strike up a conversation with a new partner or the quiet cousin who likes to sit in a corner. By the end of the night, they’re best friends with everyone.
This is all thanks to our ruling planet Venus, which also resides in love and connection. Libras fully appreciate the tradition of holiday parties and the sense of connection they bring, and they look forward to them all year round.
My New Year’s resolution is to get organized. While Libras are known for beautifully chaotic lives, we’re tired of feeling like we can get out of control. To kick off the year, I promise that I will adopt a perfect daily routine.
When Venus, which is my ruling planet, goes retrograde from March 1 to April 12, it’ll be a good time to check back in and reevaluate my progress. If there are chores that need to be done or tasks I have been putting off, I will be making a concerted effort to do them one by one.
Finally, the new moon is taking place in a fellow cardinal sign’s territory, which makes its effects more tangible. Under the current cosmic conditions, I am told I may not notice too much intensity. There won’t be much cosmic activity hitting our sign directly during the new moon, so we can look forward to a more chill lunar experience.
But there’s still plenty of energy to work with. The Capricorn-ruled lunation is rising in our home and family sector, making it a meaningful moment to connect with our roots and focus on creating a solid emotional foundation in our lives that’ll sustain ambitions. As we prepare for the new year ahead, I want to take some time to chat with a support system. Like fostering relationships with the people closest to us? This is the perfect cosmic excuse to turn over a new leaf.
Following a schedule suited to our needs might be crucial for boosting our productivity and enhancing our mental and physical health. By December 2025, we should feel as if it’s 1979.