Are These Nations Friends or Foes?

Submitted by ub on

US Embassies and missions have been placed on high alert as the protests continue to spread across the Muslim world, while crazed demonstrators storm US embassies and leaders reserve strongest language for this crude and controversial film.

Why aren't these new Arab leaders not moving faster to defuse increasing tensions tensions?

Meanwhile. some Islamist governments appear to be fanning the flames of popular anger over the perceived insults to their religion.

Should these leaders show more responsibility? What do you think?

9/14/12 News & Information Service 24/7

Submitted by ub on

FED'S BOLD PLAN. Boosting Our Economy
Investors sent stock prices rocketing. But economists are skeptical the plan to purchase more bonds will help.

MIDDLE EAST UPROAR CONTINUES. Suspicious Anti-Muslim Film.
Police, protesters clash near the U.S. Embassies. Meanwhile in Israel, police increase their presence in Jerusalem's old city.

AFGHAN WAR FADING. Has The Nation Forgotten?
Families of U.S. soldiers who were killed in action feel despair that many fellow citizens have failed to appreciate their total sacrifice.

BRITISH ROYAL FAMILY TROUBLES. Another Royal Embarrassment?


Submitted by ub on

The Joint Special Representative of the United Nations and the League of Arab States on the Syrian crisis, Lakhdar Brahimi, today arrived in Damascus, where he will hold talks with the Government, representatives of the opposition and members of civil society.

In a statement upon arrival in the capital city’s international airport, Mr. Brahimi said no one disagrees with the need to stop the bloodshed and restore harmony among the people in Syria.

“We came to Syria for consultation with the brotherly Syrians… There is a crisis and I think it is deteriorating,” he said.

The U.S. National Debt Crisis

The American dream is a commonly shared belief by the people of our nation, considered today as the most powerful in the world. We want to establish our family name, make them proud, and ultimately live the best life during our time on this beautiful planet. Because of this, we are never satisfied, believing tomorrow will always be better than today and spend accordingly. This is why there are many who default on credit cards; try to find the next “get rich quick scheme”, and why we elect politicians who can do the most for us regardless of the long term effect of our nation.


YouTube Film Ignites Muslim Anger and Deadly Acts

Submitted by ub on

The latest film below has brought about new serious developments and dangerous parallels with the demonstrations which swept Muslim states in 2005 after a Danish newspaper ridiculed the prophet. This amateur movie was shot in LA last August. The larger question is who is the producer and what was the purpose to produce such a disturbing film?…

9/13/12 News & Information Service 24/7

Submitted by ub on

PROTESTS SPREAD. American Embassy in Yemen Attacked.
Increased violence follows attacks targeting U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya and Egypt. Meanwhile, The fallout from the deadly attack in Libya injects foreign policy politics into presidential race.

EYES ON THE FED. Announcement Expected Today.
Global investors think the large step of another round of bond purchases could be in store to perk up the U.S. economy.

POPE TRAVELS He Heads Off To Lebanon.
The Pontiff's trip has a special urgency, in light of a civil war in Syria, and the slaying of U.S. ambassador in Libya.

The Rocket. Boomerang Style

I was putting stuff together and looking at links, this really stuck out to me as something fun to post...mainly because this type of thing never happens. Not "normally doesn't happen", NEVER happens. Nolan Ryan was an old fart when he retired from pitching. He was 46. Buuuutttt....Roger Clemens is 50. He hasn't played in the MLB in close to 5 years. He's gone through court, went through it again, and is still kicking it.


U.S. Ambassador to Libya Is Killed in Attack

Submitted by ub on

Our U.S. Envoy to Libya has been Killed in a brazen attack and The President of The United States response to this is to directed the administration to provide all necessary resources to support the security of our personnel in Libya, and to increase security at our diplomatic posts around the globe. Today Obama is out campaigning again. Actions speak louder than words. The extremists also attacked our Embassy in Egypt. Our " friends " are killing US.


Submitted by ub on

Times marches on and has a way of depriving previous possessions from society’s clutching grasp. We see the use of Faxes, Beepers, CDs, and Radios have faded away.

Which items do you predict will be next? With an increased pace of technology over the next few years, which items do you predict are going to be relegated to artifact status?

Some welcome a world with less clutter and more streamlined technological gizmos. Which of these items, or practices do you predict will be in storage boxes piled in our basements, attics or garages?