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Soon-to-be-graduates and anyone else searching for a job:
A good compilation of advice in job seeking, and not just in your next job but for later as well. From @usnews on 10 smart things new grads should do to get a job.
10 Smart Things New Grads Should Do to Get a Job - On Careers (
You have a lot more control over your job search than you actually realize.


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Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will join New York City Correction Officers’ Benevolent Association President Norman Seabrook, and the Hot 97 Street Soldiers to hold “The Bronx Push 4 Peace” Festival this afternoon.


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Literally millions of US families are facing the same decision as students are preparing to go to college this coming fall. And there are many considerations and financial factors which go into choosing where to go to school. The continually rising cost of a higher education and the increasing and sometimes crushing debt that too many students decide to take on to get their advanced degree.

Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum

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Saturday, April 28
10 a.m.-1 p.m.Volunteer Garden Clean-up Day

Roll up your sleeves and don your gardening gloves to help us keep the garden and grounds of BPMM looking beautiful.

Light breakfast available. Please wear long sleeves, pants, and sturdy footwear and bring work gloves if you have them.

Garden Clean-Up Day sponsored bycon ed horizontal

Cost Free Registration requested 718.885.1461

Exhibition Talk: Florence Boogaerts

Gardens of the World

Sunday, April 29 Florence Boogaerts
4:30 p.m.

4/28/12 News & Information Service 24/7

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US PAKISTAN RELATIONS. Talks Break Down Over Apology.

CHINA HUMAN RIGHTS. High Level Discussions Expected.

USSS STANDARDS. Rules Of Conduct Enhanced.


POLITICS OR PROGRESS. Which will Triumph?

StudentCam Winners

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As you may know, this year's StudentCam competition asked students to create a 5-8 documentary on the topic of the Constitution and why it is important to them. Each morning during the month of April we featured interviews with the top 27 prize winning film makers on C-SPAN's morning program, Washington Journal.

Today's interview with Grand Prize winner Matthew Shimura discussing his video about due process and the Japanese-American internment during World War II marked the culmination of this year's competition.

US House: OK Student Loan Bill

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US Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) today voted against a Republican proposal on student loans, a highly partisan effort that would eliminate critical community preventive health care services in order to extend low interest rates on federally-subsidized student loans. Democrats have been calling for the interest rate to stay low, while Republicans recently supported a budget that would have allowed the rates to double on July 1, 2012.

Sabrina Soto Home Design

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In her gorgeous penthouse apartment overlooking Manhattan’s Upper West Side, we sat down with Target Style Expert for Home Sabrina Soto to chat about her new (and first!) book. Available in stores now, Sabrina Soto Home Design is a layer-by-layer guide to designing the home of your dreams.

Sabrina's new program begins on 5/5/12 @ 8P on HGTV.


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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is gravely alarmed by reports of continued violence and killing in Syria, including shelling and explosions in various residential areas as well as armed clashes, and called the situation “unacceptable.”

The comments come as media reports quoted activists as saying that up to 70 people have been killed in an attack on a house in the city of Hama. Meanwhile, state media said 16 people died in the blast in a house used as a bomb factory by ‘armed terrorist groups.’