Become Involved in Rediestricting

Submitted by ub on

Challenge, responsibility and future opportunities. These are the issues that lie ahead for all of us now that the Census numbers are in and politicians turn to redistricting. Those new districts will decide the political landscape for at least the next ten years, and the community deserves the right to participate in the process to create districts that reflect their needs and electoral preferences. PLEASE... Get involved now, or you will be left behind. Figuratively, literally, politically and every other way possible... Do it before it's too late!

NYC Air Quality Warning

Submitted by ub on

NYC officials have issued a notification for today 07/06/11 at 11:00 AM. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has issued an Air Quality Health Advisory for Staten Island, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and The Bronx until 11:00 PM tonight.

The following contact information for Notify NYC Contact Phone: 212-639-9675

Power of Public Opinion

Submitted by ub on

What ever happened to ethics? Why do so many people resort to lies? Political figures, athletes scientists, church leaders and so many others have been accused of lying in the past. Just about everyone who chooses to lie for his or her cause eventually gets caught up in their own lies.

If history is an indicator, perjury and obstruction of justice cases appear to send ripple effects to civility. An old friend of mine tells me that as he gets older he sees society appearing to break down.

Future NYC Terrorist Trial

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A Somali suspect, who was allegedly tied to militants, was held and interrogated on U.S. Navy vessel for several months. He was reportedly captured by the American military back in April and then interrogated for months aboard a US ship without being read his Miranda rights or allowed to have a lawyer.

Historic Walk - Bronx Historical Society

Submitted by ub on

Take a Walk through History with BRONX WALKING TOURS “Old Village of Melrose” on Saturday 7/9/11 @ 10A

It was part of the property that was owned by the Morris Family, back in the 17th century, what we now know as the community of Melrose was laid out in 1850 by surveyor Andrew Findlay.

Mark My Words and Listen Up

Submitted by ub on

This week's Twitter Town Hall will move the Presidential spoken word from Fireside Chats to Twitter Talks.
Our words do matter. Everything we say has the potential to either heal or harm. Our words can construct, or destruct, they can either be positive or negative.

However, whatever choice we make, to harm or heal, it is never the words themselves directly causing the outcome. It is how we use and what we bring or associate with them, creating the end result.

Water Everywhere and So Many Activities

Submitted by ub on

Kayaking is a favorite sport on City Island. In fact, it is a wonderful way to get on the waterways of NYC, but it's only one of a whole lot of available options - there's something to suit just about any taste and budget.

These are things that I've done or given serious consideration of doing at one time or another;

The Declaration of Independence - Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776

Submitted by ub on

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Many Fireworks Fizzle Out Across America

Submitted by ub on

The scorching heat, along with the dry weather have forces officials from Alabama to California, to Arizona to cancel fireworks celebrations tomorrow. As a result. multiple fourth of July fireworks shows have been canceled in many parts of the country..

Several counties and municipalities are blaming the weather, others are due to budget cuts for the show's fizzle-out. Millions of spectators, who usually watch fireworks from stadiums, rooftops, shores or aboard boats will have to settle for watching it on TV.