Diminishing Presidency?

Submitted by ub on

Are the presidency and its clout continuing to shrink as @POTUS credibility keeps taking constant hits?

The White House says the president did receive compliments from Boy Scout leaders and Mexico’s president but in person, not on the phone, as he contended. However, Mexico's president and Boy Scout toppers are pleading a different tale. Why does this matter? The leader of the free world should be free from telling tall tales.

No lie says Sanders: Trump got praise from Mexico, Scouts https://apnews.com/21687f727e6143b39aacb7ec82e75a6b

WH Flip Flops or Flipped Out?

Submitted by ub on

Wake up America. How much longer are you willing to accept this low level of sub service from our leaders?

First, the White House says one thing, then they wind up saying another. So what are Americans supposed to believe? This is the problem journalists face with reporting the facts. These are still changing as we write this.

Case in point. 7 things the Trump team denied, and then later confirmed http://wapo.st/2uZtUJZ

VP Mike Pence says Congress' Sanctions bill sends a "very clear message" to Russia http://washex.am/2uWmicP

Want A Job?

Submitted by ub on

It's a jungle out there if you're looking for work, but get your resumes ready because Amazon is going to be hiring.

If you want to work for the electronic commerce giant, your best chance might be today. They're hosting a job fair at 10 shipping sites across the country as part of a company-wide initiative to fill more than 50,000 U.S. positions.

Summer Vacation

Submitted by ub on

If you're reading this, you're ready, willing and capable of going on vacation, but you don't want to pay a travel agent, you're not sure where to start, and you're a DIY kind of person who's willing to put in some elbow grease. https://youtu.be/R5PJ0JZUhgc

This may serve as a handy list to help you plan a getaway, from getting good flight deals to making sure you won't get stranded abroad. You want to get away for a while. This is the best way to go from daydreaming about far-off destinations to actually visiting them. https://youtu.be/ruyG8J-3IpY

Trump Threats

Submitted by ub on

If the President carries out his new threat, he would be handing the insurance industry a solid court case while undermining his leverage to attract Democrats to the negotiating table. The Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, is the law of the land.

Trump on tricky legal ground with 'Obamacare' threat https://apnews.com/d011dcda38b648079b9f0f08472c3ef7

Republicans Say Time for Senate to Move on From Health Care http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/Republicans-in-Senate-on-Health…

The Mooch Gets A Permanent Vacation

Submitted by ub on

Adios, Moochacho. The Mooch got the political kiss of death as he is shown the Whitehouse exit hatch. After 10 days, Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci failed to communicate and articulate President Trump's message. Et Tu Mooch?

Anthony Scaramucci’s dismissal was reportedly requested by newly minted Chief of Staff John Kelly, who was unhappy with Scaramucci’s assertion that he was reporting directly to President Trump.

The rise and quick fall of Anthony Scaramucci: 4 lowlights from his 11 days at the White House https://usat.ly/2weR5PP

Tax Plan or Tax Scam?

Submitted by ub on

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin meets Koch conservatives to promote #Trumptaxplan. Has anyone seen his taxes yet? The American taxpayer must be able to understand the full scope of #TRUMPTAXES.

How can the administration forge a close collaboration with the Koch brothers and President Trump, when his own taxes are not known? Are the Koch brothers gearing up to convince US their version of tax reform means only the 1% deserve tax cuts?


Submitted by ub on

The real Superstars are not media celebrities, sports figures, or business moguls. The true American heroes are the disappearing working middle class who goes to work while the rich continue getting wealthy and the poor become less healthy.

With apologies to fellow journalist Mark Twain and AP colleague, who was once quoted as saying... Reports of the demise of the middle class may (NO LONGER) be premature.

Failure Facts

In a stinging and dramatic defeat and disastrous deflate to @POTUS President Donald Trump, GOP Senators failed to dismantle Obamacare, falling short on another campaign promise and ending a seven-year quest by their party to gut the health care law. They had no bill, no plan and therefore not enough support for a semi secret bill that was in a crafting process. A Whitehouse in chaos does not appear to be winning like Trump promised.
