Bill The Wall

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There are many questions about a so-called border wall. President Trump's plan to build a wall along the border with Mexico have early bids finalizing a design and beginning contracts as early as May. The wall will certainly go a long way to isolating The USA

Today is the deadline for submissions of prototype designs. The wall is envisioned as being 30 feet high with automated gates for pedestrians and vehicles.

Washington Weaks

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Over the past several weeks, in fact, since president Trump's inaugural, there appears to be increased infighting, rather than real progress.

Why has Washington, DC experienced an unfair share of serious disappointments since the new GOP-controlled administration took over and when will Americans see a light at the end of this dark and dreary national tunnel.

Analysis | The post-fascism of Donald Trump

The US voters want promises kept for a greater America and so far there has been little to show and now more talk about another government shutdown.


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But is clean water as available as we may think? Every day we hear stories about water and rarely pay attention because we assume there's plenty of it to go around.

I am fortunate because I live on an island in New York City, where drinking water is world-renowned for its quality. Each and every day, more than 1 billion gallons of fresh, clean water are delivered from large upstate reservoirs as far as 125 miles from NYC to the taps of nine million thirsty neighbors throughout New York.

US Loves Ricky

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On the 100th anniversary of the birth of legendary television pioneer Desi Arnaz March 2, 1917, we celebrate a TV icon who not only co-starred in my favorite comedy of all time, I Love Lucy, but the Cuban-born immigrant was one of the most important behind-the-scenes figures in the history of broadcasting.

Does Anybody Care?

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Does anybody know what time it is? It's time to fix our health care system. Why has there been so much chatter about Repeal and Replace and not #ACA Repair? It's time to assist in the care of a recovering patient.

CITY IMAGES recommends the following non-partisan articles on fixing Obamacare and how it can be improved. We highly encourage others to share their opinions.

"Thoughts on revising the ACA"…

Price Was Wrong

Tom Price, Trump's US Secretary of Health had one priority, to Repeal and Replace #Obamacare, which is what the president promised to replace it with #Trumpcare. The Secretary vowed to dismantle the health reform law that his predecessors spent years implementing.

He is an orthopedic surgeon who may have put his foot in his mouth while he decried ACA aka Obamacare was a threat to the quality and the affordability of American health care.



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As the spins begin it does not matter what they are calling it, spin, finger pointing or just more outright lying, #Trumpcare and #Ryancare belongs to a Republican party that has been taken over by con men and the GOP owns the outcome as well as the results.

The GOP tried to ram this #AHCA down America's throats without including the Democrats, The task now is to improve the Affordable Care Act and call it just that.

Some parts of Obamacare working well, problems with others

Devastating Humiliation

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Rest assured there are no Republicans lighting cigars to celebrate. US House Speaker Paul Ryan met with the press to comment on GOP's failure of #Trumpcare: "We came really close today, but we came up short....We're going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future..."

@potus @realdonaldtrump the so-called great negotiator has once again fallen flat on another one of his empty promises. The arts of another deal gone sour for the American president.

‘Anybody tired of all this winning?’: Twitter heaps scorn on Trump and GOP over #Trumpcare debacle