Scheduled Debates

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The broadcast and online #debates schedules:

Monday, September 26, first presidential debate, Hofstra University, Hempstead, N.Y.

Tuesday, October 4, vice presidential debate, Longwood University, Farmville, Va.

Sunday, October 9, second presidential debate, Washington University in St. Louis.

Wednesday, October 19, third presidential debate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


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Is it a good practice to slowly abstain from food or drink, and eat nothing, refrain from meals, go without nourishment, go hungry, starve oneself? It really depends on who you ask, the length of time, your desired outcome, and the purpose.

Recently, I had gall bladder surgery and was forced to stop eating certain foods and then I had to stop eating altogether for tests and then for the surgery. The outcome was that I lost 30 pounds.

Four Seasons

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Say goodbye to Summer and welcome Autumn-Fall weather. The trees changing colors, while the leaves keep falling.

So long, or should we say so short It's the last day of summer, and as usual, it went by too quickly. It has been the hottest summer on record, both climatologically and politically.

Earth roasts through hottest summer ever recorded

Forecast: Warm Summer Weather Stretches Into Fall

George Winston: Autumn - Full Album


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Rookie wrongs lead to civil wrongs. The decission of placing the least experienced police officers into the most dangerous neighborhoods should be reconsidered.

Unfortunately, it is a time-honored practice that has tragic consequences, both for the young cops and for the people they are sworn to protect and for the inexperienced young cops.

Veterans with seniority rights move to the relative safe neighborhoods while their newer counterparts face the brunt of battle. It has happened once again in Oklahoma and then in N. Carolina.

Welcome Matt

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City Island Images wishes to congratulate Einstein researcher Victor Pai and his delightful wife Ding Ding, who during natural childbirth has introduced us to baby Matt.

As you can see, Matt is a handsome boy with plenty of hair. He is 19 1/2 inches and weighs 7 lbs. 2 oz. and was born on 9/15/16 @3:25A He was kept in the hospital for treatment, and has been released.

Deena aka Ding Ding and Matt Wang are both doing well and resting peacefully at home.

Photo shows Matt surrounded by loving women, including not only his beautiful mom but his Godmother and grandmother.


A new publication discusses the role of technology in sharing and preserving Indigenous Knowledge for future generations. In “Sharing and Preserving Indigenous Knowledge of the Arctic Using Information and Communications Technology,” researchers Heidi McCann and Peter Pulsifer from the Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge of the Arctic at the National Snow and Ice Data Center, and Carolina Behe from the Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska analyze how digital technologies afford and impact the preservation of documented Indigenous Knowledge while maintaining cultural significance and intellectual property rights.

Yup'ik youth makes audio recordingIn Kwigillingok, Alaska, Corey Joseph, a Yup’ik youth and Calista Education and Culture intern, makes a Yup’ik language audio recording for the Yup’ik Environmental Knowledge Project.


Fat Cat On Thin Ice

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Christie knew all about 'Bridgegate', according to prosecutors who say they will prove it. The over wait and see overweight fat cat apparently knew in advance about a plan to shut down George Washington Bridge lanes as an act of political retribution say, prosecutors.

Meanwhile, CC top insists he knows 'nothing'. Will Humpty dumpty fall off The Donald's wall?

Bridgegate bombshell: Christie knew all along. Say good-night | Moran

Chris Christie faces new allegations in 'Bridgegate' scandal


Digital fragmentation is shaping the way we produce and consume news. This, according to a study conducted by Ricardo Gandour.

During his time as a visiting scholar at Columbia University in New York, the Brazilian journalist looked into the "new journalistic environment," which he found, "is characterized by consolidation and fragmentation, two conceptually opposed phenomena that advance simultaneously."


Terrible 3

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If you want to be happy for the rest of your life... It has nothing to do with pretty or ugly.

It is all about respect and admiration. You must also avoid:

Choosing the wrong partner. A lot of people choose somebody for the wrong reasons. Have a solid foundation in the relationship so that the partnership can continue when some of the other factors start to erode.

Lack of communication. It's important to resolve disagreements immediately and not allow resentment to build. Take time to right any wrongs and never go to bed angry with each other.


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U.S. Senate now has 54 Republicans, 45 Democrats, and one independent. The 2016 election takes place on November 8, 2016. There are 34 seats up in 2016, of which 24 are held by Republicans. Note that 4 or 5 seat shift will represent control.

This 3-part Senate map of the current Senate, make a forecast for the 2016 Senate elections and see the composition of the 2017 Senate based on those predictions.

2016 United States Congressional election involves a total of 435 House seats, which out of are up for election on November 8, 2016.