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50 years have now passed since the end of Camelot. Friday, November 22, 1963 was a sunny, warm day in Dallas, TX. People lined the streets to see President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his beautiful young wife Jackie Kennedy as their presidential motorcade made the turn into Dealey Plaza at half past noon.

This inspirational leader then raised his hand to wave and the crowds, when suddenly it all ended as a rifle shot rang out. The president’s had been critically injured. His wife Jackie looked at her husband. His hands clutching at his throat. Then another shot was fired seconds later. This one exploded the right side of the his head.


Only few times in modern U.S. history have affected our collective national psyche as the assassination of JFK. Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor; World Trade Center on 9/11. Pearl Harbor galvanized our nation into action, resulting in World War II. 9/11 made us more vigilant about the risks of terrorism. We invaded Afghanistan, dismantled al-Qaeda's leadership and eliminated Osama bin Laden.

JFK’s assassination left many losing confidence in our nation, as conspiracy theories abounded.
This was the catalyst for much of the anger which characterized the ‘60s. An anti-establishment bias penetrated young people, who were dying in an unpopular war in Vietnam.Other public figures were assassinated, including JFK’s brother, Robert F. Kennedy, and Martin Luther King Jr. Counter cultural gurus urged young people to turn on, and drop out. Anger and disillusionment over racial inequalities turned ugly and violent. Riots erupted from the east coast to the west coast. And then came the Watergate break in, which shattered any remaining illusions about the sanctity of our nation’s highest office.


50 years later, our citizens have lost faith in government officials because dishonesty increases.
There is plenty scientific date available for ll of US to require that anyone running for public office take an IQ, personality and honesty tests and then post these results on a public website. It is only through the election of honest, intelligent individuals with kindness and integrity that we will find our way out of the political wasteland.

If we don’t make good character a prerequisite, we will continue to elect self-serving individuals to lead us. Term limits is another measure, no matter how wealthy an individual is. Also ban lobbyists. Finally, districts should be determined by population alone to eliminate gerrymandering and provide greater representation.

In the meantime, criticize, cajole and praise whenever applicable all public officials and equally hold Republicans, Independents and Democratic representatives to task whenever your needs are not being met. Only these actions produce much needed changes for the public at large.


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Some days, do you feel like the Energizer Bunny with a weak battery? You start strong, but by mid-afternoon you can’t quite keep going and going. Fatigue afflicts everyone at one time or another. Assuming your doctor has ruled out serious medical causes, there are a few basic steps you can take to “recharge your batteries.”

Pace yourself. A go-getter likes to keep going, but don’t risk overtaxing yourself. If you pace yourself, you can still get things done. Instead of burning through all your battery life in two hours, spread it out between morning tasks, afternoon tasks, and evening activities — with rest and meals between.

Take a walk or a nap. There’s nothing more satisfying than a short power nap when you’re pooped out. However, if you have trouble sleeping at night, napping can make the insomnia worse. If that’s the case for you, get moving instead. Get up and walk around the block, or just get up and move around. If you are not an insomniac, enjoy that 20- to 30-minute power nap.

Fatigue is a symptom, not a disease, and it's experienced differently by different people. Fatigue from stress or lack of sleep usually subsides after a good night's rest, while other fatigue is more persistent and may be debilitating even after restful sleep. Harvard's Special Health Report, Boosting Your Energy, provides advice and information from world-renowned medical experts to help you discover the cause of your fatigue and find the right treatment or lifestyle changes.

Skip most supplements. You may have heard about energy-boosting or “anti-aging” supplements. There is no evidence they work. There is no evidence that DHEA offers any real benefits, and the side effects remain a question mark. You especially shouldn’t be buying it from ads in the back of a magazine, because you don’t know what’s in it. Iron. Iron only improves energy if you are clearly deficient, which a doctor can check with a blood test. Unless you are low in iron, you don’t need to take it, and getting too much iron can be harmful. B vitamins. It is true that B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) help the body convert food into the form of energy that cells can burn, but taking more B vitamins doesn’t supercharge your cells. That’s a myth.


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An evening of string music inspired by Chinese ethnic folk melodies performed by faculty and students from East China Normal University, partner of Confucius Institute at China Institute since 2006. Proudly presenting a group of musicians who have won numerous international music awards, the performance will feature:

• Cello Solo “Sound from Ancient Times” (composed by XU Mengdong)
• Cello Quartet “Saliha” (composed by HUANG Xiaolong)
• Violin Solo “Beautiful Riverside” (composed by SHI Guangnan)
• Viola Solo “Why Are the Flowers So Red” (composed by HUANG Xiaolong)


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Friday, November 22 is a holiday gridlock alert day, one of the heaviest vehicular traffic days of the holiday season.

NYC residents, commuters and visitors are strongly advised to use mass transit.

The remaining gridlock alert days for this holiday season are:

Wednesday, November 27
Wednesday, December 4
Friday, December 6
Thursday, December 12
Friday, December 13
Wednesday, December 18
Thursday, December 19
Friday, December 20

Jolly Holiday Network Toy Drive

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The Bronx Entrepreneurs and Business Network and Foxy Family invite you to The Jolly, our exciting holiday networking event and toy drive, taking place on Wednesday, December 4, 2013 at 7pm at Thirty3 Sixty3 Steakhouse (3363 E. Tremont Ave.).

Toys collected at the networking event will be donated to Bronx kids at a special family friendly gathering on December 21. We hope you consider joining us to help make both our Jolly events a success.


Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry
Never sit around feeling sorry about circumstances or how others treat you. Instead, take responsibility for a role in life and understand that life isn’t easy or fair.
Don’t Give Away Power
Never allow others to control you, and don’t give someone else power over you. Don’t say things like, “My boss makes me feel bad,” because you are in control over your own emotions and have a choice in how to respond.
Don’t Shy Away from Change


President John F. Kennedy's Life and Legacy

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As the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy approaches on November 22nd, 1963, C-SPAN has aggregated a number of video resources to help you learn more about the day, his life, and the major events of his presidency.

Learn all about the life and accomplishments of President Kennedy in a short biographical vignette, as well as view historical newsreel footage of The Cuban Missile Crisis and President Kennedy’s 1961 Inaugural Speech.


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Reverend Ezra Yew is delighted to announce the following:

Thanksgiving Sunday King Christ Sunday Bible Sunday November 24, 2013 10AM
Free Thanksgiving Dinner Service at the fellowship hall of Trinity United Methodist Church November 28 1PM-5PM; Christmas Fair and dinner, Friday December 6, 2013 2PM-8PM
Christmas Fair and lunch, Saturday December 7, 2013 11AM-3PM

Christmas Open House at the parsonage Sunday December 8, 2013 1PM- 3PM
Children's Christmas Pageant Sunday December 15, 2013, during 10AM Worship
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Tuesday December 24, 2013 10 PM


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Come 2014 it will be illegal to smoke in NYC if you're not 21, thanks to health and fitness guru Mayor Michael Bloomberg. The billionaire mayor has signed a bill raising the minimum age to 21 to buy tobacco products inside The Big Apple's 5 Burroughs.

This move is the latest in Bloomberg's public health initiatives, where he went from banning smoking in bars and restaurants to an ill fated attempt to ban large-sized sugary beverages.

The lame duck mayor has also outlawed discounts on cigarettes, set a price floor on a pack of smokes, and allow the city to harshly punish stores that try to get around collecting tobacco taxes.

Over a billion people will die from smoking around the world this century and he claims that he is trying to keep New Yorkers alive.

Talk with an National Cancer Institute smoking cessation counselor for help quitting and answers to smoking-related questions in English or Spanish - call toll free within the United States, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

150 Year Old Gettysburg Address

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It has been 150 years to the day since US President5 Abraham Lincoln delivered The Gettysburg Address. Now that Google has put five versions of the speech online in extremely close detail. It underscores that even the great President Lincoln had to edit his work.

Today, the speech is set in the history books, but back in 1863, Lincoln was constantly fiddling with his message. The early editions of the great speech did not include "under God," while the phrase "a new birth of freedom," one of its most famous lines, wasn't added until after journalist Samuel Wilkeson used something similar to describe a battle in which his son died.

In fact, three versions in Google's exhibit were written down after Lincoln delivered the historic address.
