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Following a long awaited trial, a Guatemalan High Risk Court has issued a guilty verdict against former military dictator José Efrain Ríos Montt. The 86-year-old ex-general was convicted of genocide and crimes against humanity against the indigenous Mayan Ixil population during Guatemala’s Civil War. He was sentenced to a total of 80 years in prison.


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Mother's Day is only a day away and since the deluge of visitors is literally just around the corner, NYPD is also out in force directing traffic and keeping the area safe.

Most businesses, like Focal Point Gallery and many other restaurants are gearing up for the crowds. Some restaurants have erected their crowd tents, others are busy making last minute preparations.


It’s probably no surprise to you that Japan has some of the busiest train stations and the cleanest in the entire world. Below, you will see an amazing video showing Japanese ushers pushing people onto trains so that the doors can close.

According to statistics, Japan has 82 of the 100 busiest train stations in the whole world.
The main central station in Tokyo is spotless, which makes many NYC stations look bad in comparison.



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U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced the selection of Melissa DeLuca of

Bronx, New York who attends Herbert H Lehman High School in Bronx, as a 2013 U.S.

Presidential Scholar. Ms. DeLuca is one of 141 outstanding American high school seniors that have

demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, artistic excellence, leadership, citizenship,

service, and contribution to school and community. The U.S. Presidential Scholars will be honored


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Indiana's Purdue University in Fort Wayne is about to celebrate it's 46th Annual Commencement Ceremony this Wednesday, May 15, at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum, where 2,126 Indiana University and Purdue University certificates and degrees will be conferred to their students.


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US Congressman Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) is in opposition to House Republicans’ “Pay China First” Act (H.R. 807), legislation that would ensure that if House Republicans cause a default of our nation’s economy, bondholders from China and other foreign regimes and banks will be paid before our veterans, enlisted troops, and seniors on Medicare.

“Mr. Speaker I rise in strong opposition to the ‘Pay China First’ Act.

“You could also call it the ‘Put America Last’ Act, because that's exactly what it does.


As we approach the twilight years, we're struck by the inevitability that the party must end. And one clear, cold morning after we are gone, our partner will awaken in the warmth of the bedroom and be struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't "anymore."

No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute."

Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away, never to return before we can say good-bye, or say "I love you."



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After claiming for years how environmentally sensitive the Putnam Nature Trail is the NYC Parks Department felt it was unnecessary to perform an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) related to its proposal to pave 1.5 acres of asphalt on the Putnam Nature Trail.

An environmental impact statement (EIS), under United States environmental law, is a document required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for certain actions "significantly affecting the quality of the human environment".[1] An EIS is a tool for decision making. It describes the positive and negative environmental effects of a proposed action. (source: Wikipedia)

We don’t know how the Parks Dept. determined that paving 1.5 acres of asphalt on the Putnam Nature Trail would NOT significantly affect the quality of the human environment? We have over 2000 people on our petition who have written passionately how it will negatively impact their experience with nature and the environment.

Something just doesn’t add up here. Who stands to gain from the Parks Dept. pushing this project through without the proper environmental reviews??

Remember that you generously write a check for $337 million every year (almost $1 million a day) to the NYC Parks Dept. You generously write this check so the Parks Dept. can protect and preserve your Parks! Nature can’t be destroyed for free, it takes money. Let’s stop funding the destruction of nature.

“The Putnam Trail is a jewel. It’s a mindless, destructive and wasteful act to pave the Putnam Trail. To spend 100s of thousands of dollars or more to pave over this treasured parkland seems to be the antithesis of what a Parks Dept. should be doing”

Eric Seiff, Chairman of the Board-Friends of Van Cortlandt Park

New Video on Putnam Nature Trail.

Please watch the recent video of Gotta Run with Will. Will Sanchez’s guest IS the Putnam Nature Trail. View countless citizen’s voice their passions about why they love the Putnam Nature Trail and why they feel it’s disastrous to pave the trail with asphalt and remove 400 trees.


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Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. will once again host the largest networking event of its kind in the Bronx, the 15th Annual Bronx Bankers Breakfast. The event is produced in partnership with the Business Initiative Corporation of New York and the Bronx Overall Economic Development Corporation (BOEDC).

More than 400 leaders in the fields of banking, business, real estate and tech come together to attend the Business Initiative Corporation (BIC), the largest event of its kind. This year’s keynote speaker will be Benjamin M. Lawsky, New York State’s first Superintendent of Financial Services.

As Superintendent, Lawsky is the supervisor of all Insurance companies in New York, all New York State-chartered depository institutions and the majority of United States-based branches and agencies of foreign banking institutions. He also regulates all of New York State’s mortgage brokers, mortgage bankers, check cashers, money transmitters, budget planners, and similar providers of financial services. Entities supervised by the Department number approximately 4400, with assets of about $6.2 trillion.

The Girls in the Band

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They wiggled. They jiggled. They wore low-cut gowns, along with short skirts and shorts. They kowtowed the club owners and smiled at the customers…and they did it all just to play the music they loved.

The Girls In The Band tells the poignant, untold stories of female jazz musicians and their fascinating, groundbreaking journeys from the late 1930s to the present day.

These incredibly talented women endured sexism, racism, harassment and dealt with diminished opportunities for decades, yet they were determined and continued to persevere, inspire and elevate their talents in a field that seldom welcomed them.

Today a new breed of gifted young women are taking their rightful place in the world of jazz, which can no longer deny their talents.

NYWIFT invites you to attend a special screening of The Girls In The Band on Thursday, May 16th at Elinor Bunin Monroe Film Center, 144 West 65th Street. Screening time is 6:30pm, which will be followed by a Q&A and reception.