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City Island Images is offering Nicotine Transdermal System Patches for free. Contact admin@cimages.me

"Tips from Former Smokers," a series of ads was launched today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The ads, funded by the Affordable Care Act’s Prevention and Public Health Fund, feature compelling stories of former smokers living with smoking-related diseases and disabilities. Beginning Monday, ads will run for at least 12 weeks on television, radio, and billboards, online, and in theaters, magazines, and newspapers nationwide.


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Today marks the 36th annual Five Boro Bike Tour takes place. The bike tour starts now from Manhattan's Battery Park at 8:00 AM, runs through all five boroughs, and then ends in Staten Island.

Cinco De Mayo

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This day is celebrated in Mexico, especially in Puebla, with parades and speeches. In some cities there are reenactments of the Battle of Puebla. Cinco de Mayo has also become a festive holiday in parts of the United States with large Mexican American populations, including many cities of the Southwest. Celebrations in the United States often extend beyond the actual day to encompass an entire week, with parades and festivals that include music, dancing, and food.


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Soon it'll be here once again. That special day that quickly arrives and then goes away.... But in fact, as far as mom is concerned, every day is Mothers Day.

We celebrate buying them or making gifts, taking them out them to brunch, lunch, or cook them dinner at home. make certain jokes or surprises, hope calls which are far to ensure the happiness of our mothers complete.

We honor all those who have become our mothers and lets not forget a grandmother is a Mother X2.


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Marian Wright Edelman, the founder and president of the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF), will deliver the Stony Brook University Presidential Lecture on Tuesday, May 7 at 4 pm at the Staller Center for the Arts. The event is free and open to the public. Mrs. Edelman, leader of the preeminent non-profit child advocacy organization, has worked tirelessly over the past four decades to ensure a level playing field for all children.


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A few months after the City Island Civic Association invited NYC Comptroller John Liu to be their featured speaker and special guest, two of his former associates have been convicted in a scheme to illegally raise campaign funds.

The two defendants were charged as a result of an undercover investigation of the campaign fundraising for NYC Comptroller John Liu, who is now running for mayor as a Democrat. A NYC jury delivered their verdicts on the first full day of deliberations.

The five men and seven women jury determined that Liu's two associates, ex-campaign treasurer Jia "Jenny" Hou and former fundraiser Xing "Oliver" Wu Pan had plotted to cheat the city out of campaign matching funds and lied about it.

City Island Civic Association e-mailed City Island Images the following, concerning Mr. Liu invitation “just to clarify, when Mr. Liu came to address the Civic in January, it was in his capacity as NYC Comptroller. As you may know, he did not announce for another two months.” However the statement fails to mention that the government's investigation was already underway.

The US Attorney's Office issued the following statement. “As the jury found, Jia Hou and Oliver Pan stuck a knife into the heart of New York City’s campaign finance law by violating the prohibition against illegal campaign contributions, all to corruptly advantage the campaign of a candidate for city-wide office. Cases like this give the people of New York yet another reason to be troubled by the electoral process, and they have aright to demand fair, open, and honest elections untainted by cynical subversion of campaign finance laws. With these convictions, it is our hope that some measure of the public’s confidence can be restored. We will continue our efforts to stamp out public corruption wherever we find it. We thank the jury for their time and service, and the outstanding prosecutors who so ably tried this case.”

These charges followed a federal investigation that lasted several years, which included 10 wiretaps on at least six phones linked to Mr. Liu.

You decide if the City Island Civic Association should have issued their formal invitation, while this investigation was ongoing. Furthermore the local City Island paper only comes out 10 times a year and therefore did not publish the story two months, which theoretically gave their reporter plenty of time to research the story, but never even mentioned the investigation in the March 2013 article, which appeared on page three.


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If you suffer from joint pain, exercise may seem like the last thing you want to do, or need to do. But the right exercises performed properly can be a long-lasting way to subdue ankle, knee, hip, or shoulder pain. For some people, the right exercise routine can even help delay or sidestep surgery.

While exercise is great medicine, it only works if you carve out time to do it regularly. And sometimes the hardest part of a workout is getting started. Here are four ways to help you get your dose of physical activity:

Carve out the time. Skip several half-hour TV shows a week or work out while watching. Get up half an hour earlier each day for a morning workout. If big blocks of time aren’t falling into your lap, try 10-minute walks, or half a workout in the morning and half in the evening.

Build activity into your daily routine. Take stairs, not elevators. When commuting, get off the bus or subway a stop or two ahead, or park farther away from your workplace. While on the phone, try a few stretches, pace, or do simple exercises like lunges, squats, and heel raises. Bike or walk to work. When running errands within a reasonable radius, park your car in one spot and walk to different shops. Replace your desk and desk chair with a standing desk. Try substituting a stability ball for your desk chair a few hours a day. Rake leaves and shovel snow instead of using a leaf blower or snow blower.

Find a workout buddy. Workouts with a friend can be more enjoyable, plus you’re less likely to cancel on the spur of the moment.

Bugged by bad weather or early darkness? Buy equipment necessary for exercising at home, join a gym, try a class in your community, or walk the mall or an indoor athletic track at a local school.

When motivation flags, remind yourself of your goals, plan small rewards, ask a friend to check up on you, or consider working out with a personal trainer.


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"Special Bronx Week Tour of Historic Mott Haven"
Saturday, May 11, 2013 – 1:30 PM
Come and celebrate Bronx Week with the Bronx Borough Historian Lloyd Ultan on a walking tour through the historic South Bronx Mott Haven neighborhood.
Once part of the ancient farmlands of Jonas Bronck, the area is filled with exciting New York and American history. This tour begins at the southeast corner of East 138th Street and Third Avenue,
outside the downtown subway station entrance of the #6 train. $10 for BCHS members / $15 for non-members.


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THE BRONX COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY'S Commemorative Poe Cottage Paver Project

Purchase a Poe Paver - Support this 
Valuable Community Resource, which costs $ 250.00


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Focal Point Gallery

321 City Island Ave.

Bronx NY 10464

May 3rd-June 2nd 2013

Opening reception Friday, May 3rd 7pm-10pm.