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From London to Los Angeles and right here in New York City, public safety officials are stepping up security following today's explosions at the Boston Marathon.

Police officers have been sent to congested areas, as well as transportation hubs while officers are being extra vigilant around large crowds and will increase security at sporting events. From the Barkley Center in Brooklyn, Dodger Stadium in LA and in Tennessee, where the Nashville Predators are hosting the Vancouver Canucks tonight, sports fans will experience a visible presence around all these stadiums and arenas.


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Three people are reported dead and at least 133 injured at The Boston Marathon, which has now been shut down after two bomb explosions near the finish line, on this Patriot's Day.

Witnesses reportedly heard two loud explosions near the finish line inside the Fairmount Copley Plaza Hotel that sounded like two claps of thunder at storefront windows nearby were blown out.

Hundreds of people have now been evacuated as a result of the two severe explosions. The marathon has now been suspended.

This Week in Her and History

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Apr 15, 1947
Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier. Jackie Robinson, age 28, becomes the first African-American player in Major League Baseball when he steps onto Ebbets Field in Brooklyn to compete for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Robinson broke the color barrier in a sport that had been segregated for more than 50 years. Exactly 50 years later, on April 15, 1997, Robinson's groundbreaking career was honored and his uniform number, 42, was retired from Major League Baseball by Commissioner Bud Selig in a ceremony attended by over 50,000 fans at New York City's Shea Stadium. Robinson's was the first-ever number retired by all teams in the league.

Apr 16, 1943
Hallucinogenic effects of LSD discovered. It was in Basel, Switzerland, Albert Hoffman, a Swiss chemist working at the Sandoz pharmaceutical research laboratory, accidentally consumes LSD-25, a synthetic drug he had created in 1938 as part of his research into the medicinal value of lysergic acid compounds. After taking the drug, formally known as lysergic acid diethylamide, Dr. Hoffman was disturbed by unusual sensations and hallucinations. In his notes, he related the experience:


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PO Box 172
Bronx, NY 10464

Healthy Aging Program
Grace Church Hall
116 City Island Avenue
City Island, NY 10464

Call or email for weekly schedule

Deborah Erosa, Center Manager

Phone and Fax: 718-885-0727

Transportation Program
Anthony Mazzella, Driver
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Thursday
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
9:30 AM to12:30 PM


Tai Chi
Cardio Fitness
Yoga Stretch
Sittercise Exercise


Computer Classes


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US Senator Marco Rubio is a Cuban American Republican from the state of Florida. Rubio did something, which has never been done before. He appeared on all seven Sunday TV programs during his most public pitch yet for the emerging immigration reform bill and arguing that it would control the border.


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Turbo Tax went offline as 2013 Tax Day US procrastinators had a scare last night when Turbo Tax apparently crashes hours before the 1040 individual taxpayer filing deadline.

Just before 11 p.m. EDT, the online tax filing giant started to get complaints that its system was not working. Officials Tweeted, "We're having problems with TurboTax online. We're in process bringing back the experience u expect. Updates 2 follow."

What's Going on Here on City Island?

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If you happen to find one of the most current paper copies of The Island Current, dated March 2013, you will learn that way back in January, NYC Comptroller John Liu visited City Island to address a meeting of the Civic Association. If you are among the tens of thousands who reads City Island Images, you can take time to review his profile and you will learn that Mr. Liu is among several candidates running for mayor of NYC.

Former Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrión is a resident of City Island and is also on that list of mayoral candidates running for mayor. However, to our knowledge he has not been invited to the same CICA community forum. City Island Images reached out to City Island Civic Association toppers last week for a clarification: Here is their official response: "We will be sending out invitations to all declared candidates (Democrats, Republicans and Carrion) in the race inviting them to address our group. The invitations should be sent out by weeks end.
Also just to clarify, when Mr. Liu came to address the Civic in January, it was in his capacity as NYC Comptroller. As you may know, he did not announce for another two months."

Meanwhile, City Islander Susan Bellinson recently hosted Mr. Carrion for a meet our neighbor and NYC mayoral candidate breakfast forum at island her home. City Island Images covered this event, but The Current apparently overlooked it.

Then, The City Island Chamber of Commerce sponsored a lunch meeting on Tuesday 4/16/13 at Portofino's Restaurant, located on 555 City Island Avenue. As previously mentioned on City Island Images, Chamber toppers invited City Islander Adolfo Carrión to speak at this organization's function. Following this report, The Current sent a representative to the Chamber luncheon. Congratulations to The Current!

Carrión the 52 year old City Island resident wants to be NYC mayor so badly that he quit being a Democrat and switched his party registration to unaffiliated. By the way, this Bloomberg-style maneuver secured him a spot on the city’s Independence Party ballot line and guaranteed him a place in the city's general election.

However, there's good news and bad news. It turns out that Mr. Carrión's took his time paying for a remodeling job done for his nearly one million dollar home, which earned him a $10,000 fine from the city’s Conflicts of Interest Board, which he immediately paid.

The good news is that he is an experienced politician, who has served on the NYC council and served as Bronx Borough President. He also happens to be a bilingual Latino with worthwhile ideas. Among these are allowing NYC parents online access to student academic as well as disciplinary records. Carrión also has a high profile fan and supporter. Former President Ronald Reagan’s son, Michael, a big time conservative is a media amigo!

NYC Mayoral Candidates

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Which one of these NYC mayoral candidate do you plan to vote for and why? Is it Ms. C Quinn, Mr. G McDonald, Mr.J Lahota, Mr. S Albanese, Mr. B Thompson, Mr. J Liu, Mr. E. Salgado, Mr. B de Blasio, Mr. J Catsimatidis, or Mr. A Carrión?

C. Quinn - NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn is a powerful politician and a Manhattan Democrat. She is trying to become the first female and first openly gay mayor of NYC. She has a background in progressive politics, but in the past has allied herself with Mike Bloomberg, staking out centrist positions on several key issues like paid sick days, the NYPD’s inspector general and the city’s relationship with real estate developers. Quinn lives in Chelsea with her wife, Kim Catullo.

S. Albanese - This Democrat is making a third bid for mayor, after politicking for City Hall twice before, back in 1997 and 2001. He was born in Italy, but Mr. Albanese moved to Park Slope with his family when he was a kid. Albanese worked as a public school teacher for nearly a decade before he was elected to the City Council in 1982. He represented Brooklyn for 14 years as a Democrat before stepping down to run his first mayoral campaign. Since leaving public office, he has worked in finance and law. Most recently as a managing director at Mesirow Financial. Albanese lives in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn with his wife Lorraine and their two daughters.

B. de Blasio, Bill is NYC Public Advocate and a Democrat, who represented Park Slope and its surrounding neighborhoods on the City Council for nearly a decade before he was elected Public Advocate back in 2009. Bill began his career working for ex-mayor David Dinkins and later on was instrumental in the Senate campaign of Democrat, Hillary Clinton. Bill De Blasio has two children with his wife, Chirlane McCray, who is a writer, a poet and feminist activist. Their teenage son is a public school student at Brooklyn Tech and their daughter is a college freshman.

J. Lahota - Joe Lhota, a member of the GOP left his post as MTA chairman three months ago to launch this campaign to run for City Hall. He knows the city well, following years as finance director and deputy to ex-Mayor Rudy Giuliani. He was born in The Bronx, is the son of a cop and the grandson of a firefighter and a cab driver, Lhota has also worked as an investment banker and an exec at Cablevision and Madison Square Garden. Lhota is a graduate of Georgetown University and Harvard Business School. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife, Tamra and has one daughter.

E. Salgado - Rev. Salgado is a social conservative minister who represents the fast-growing community of evangelical Hispanics. His church is located in in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, he has a radio ministry and his campaign claims a potential base of about 300,000. However, he has little money, with limited name recognition among NYC’s liberal precincts.

B. Thompson - Ex-City Controller Bill Thompson is trying for his second chance at the Democratic mayoral nomination, after winning the party’s nod, back in 2009 but he lost to losing to Mayor Bloomberg, despite winning an unexpectedly strong 46% of the vote. Thompson is 59 years old and has served two terms as controller. He also headed the Board of Education, which ran the city school system back in the good old days before mayoral control. He is from Bedford Stuyvesant, but now lives in Harlem with his third wife, Elsie McCabe. He has two stepchildren from a grown daughter.

J. Liu - NYC Controller John Liu is a Democrat and was elected to the City Council back in 2001 to represent northeast Queens, then re-elected in 2005. When he won the race for City Controller in 2009, he became the first Asian American elected to city-wide office. Liu’s campaign fundraising practices are under a US Justice Department investigation. Two of his fund-raisers have been arrested on charges of wire fraud and obstruction of justice. Liu was born in The Republic of China, but moved to Queens with his family as a kid. Liu lives with his wife, Jenny, and their son in Flushing.

J. Catsimatidis - John is a Republican and was born on the small Greek island of Nisyros.
He came to New York with his family as a baby. Catsimatidis grew up in Harlem, went to school Brooklyn at Tech High School. After dropping out of New York University, Catsimatidis opened up a successful grocery store on UWS that is now a mega supermarket empire. He is the owner and CEO of the Gristedes market chain. John has an estimated net worth of $3 billion. Catsimatidis and his wife Margo have two children.

G. McDonald - George McDonald is an ex-Democrat and “homeless advocate” as the longtime head of The Doe Fund, which hires formerly homeless people to help clean the streets. He is a native of Spring Lake, New Jersey and started the large non-profit in 1985 during a sharp rise in NYC homelessness. Since then, the group has grown into a $50-million organization that aims to provide work, housing and education to people with histories of incarceration, homelessness and substance abuse. Before starting the Doe Fund, McDonald worked as an executive in the apparel industry and as a campaign worker in New York Democratic politics. He switched parties last summer in preparation for his mayoral run. He is the father of four.

A. Carrión, Jr. - Adolfo served as Bronx Borough President from 2002 to 2009. In 2010, The Obama Administration named him regional director for HUD's New York and New Jersey Regional Office. However, Adolfo left HUD in February 2012. The former Democrat dropped his party affiliation last year and is not currently registered with a party. Adolfo is now running as the Independence Party’s nominee and also hopes to run in the Republican primary. He is married and has four children. A Carrión, Jr. is also our neighbor and a proud resident of City Island. He lives right here on City Island Avenue.

Who Was Calvin Coolidge?

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The 30th President of The United States served over twice as many months. In fact, in the 67 months he actually served, Calvin Coolidge managed to successfully cut the federal budget.

At 2:30 on the morning of August 3, 1923, while visiting in Vermont, Calvin Coolidge received word that he was President. By the light of a kerosene lamp, his father, who was a notary public, administered the oath of office as Coolidge placed his hand on the family Bible.

RIP Jonathan Winters

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Jonathan Winters passed away of natural causes at his Montecito, California home at 6:45 p.m. PDT on April 11, 2013, surrounded by family and friends, according to his Website.

Jonathan Harshman Winters III. American funnyman, an actor, and artist.

Born: November 11, 1925, Bellbrook - Died: April 11, 2013, Montecito

Rest in Peace, JW.