Don't Give Up On US

Submitted by ub on

As we continue to live in a toxic political environment, some Americans may witness the decline of self-esteem in each one of US as we endure month after month of poor leadership and dysfunction inside this great nation. But remember, it takes courage not to be discouraged.

We are amazed at the changes as the situation continually grows worse. If anyone could have taken a before photo before and then an after, the physical manifestations of the negativity endured would be staggering.

White House Racism?

Submitted by ub on

Donald Trump Jr., the president’s eldest son, shared another person’s tweet during the Democratic debate this week that falsely claimed Senator Kamala Harris was not black enough to be discussing the plight of black Americans. He later deleted it.

Putin’s Russia is also apparently still at it, and bots were highly activated this weekend following @TheDemocrats debates. They are now attacking Kamala Harris. Will #Congress hold an impeachment inquiry, and clean up the mess, or will these actions become increasingly sophisticated for the 2020 VOTE?.

This Ain’t No Party

Submitted by ub on

As a former GM-15/10 Division Chief for President #GeorgeHWBush, I often ask myself how on earth did #Republicans allow the Grand Old Party aka @GOP to go from the party of #AbrahamLincoln to the one of #BarryGoldwater then to #RichardNixon and now to @realDonaldTrump and for what reason?

Trump treats #USA and our nation’s election security as a big joke with the man who everyone agrees and evidence proves he violated it multiple times.

Not Fun and Games

Submitted by ub on

Whether the President seriously warns Putin against interference in our next election is never a private matter between Trump and Putin. This is of utmost national security imperative and critical to deterring further #Russia meddling.
This is undoubtedly and without question, the business of the American people.

POTUS shares a chuckle with a despot who kills. Journalists are not the enemy of the people - We Are The People. Those who would seek to silence the free press are tyrants.

The Bronx Bug Vibes

Submitted by ub on

You may have never heard of this type of phone bugs. Does the NYC 911 Emergency Call Center has an internal emergency?

Bed bugs are the most difficult pest problems to eliminate. The solution for bed bugs can be expensive and beyond the means of many. If you cannot afford to hire professionals and attempt a do-it-yourself bed bug control, there are things you can do, including The Mayor and City Council.

With diligence, patience and hard work, NYC has a fighting chance of getting rid of bed 🕷bugs in their emergency call center. Does Better Dead than Red apply here?

Debate Debacle

Submitted by ub on

Many took time yo criticize Chuck Todd, NBC moderator's performance at the debacle, his tone, and the substance of his questions, and one moment near the end when he asked each candidate to name the biggest “geopolitical” threat in a single word. For viewers hoping for more substantive debate, some said what the hell was that?

Mueller He Votes

Submitted by ub on

Live from DC and streaming directly into your smartphone, tablet, laptop, and TV. Its the moment Americans have been waiting for.

Mueller, he wrote and will now share a narrative note as the long-time Republican war hero who really served in the USA Military without dodging the draft or lying about bone spurs is coming to testify before Congress for all Americans to see and hear. This may mean that impeachment hearings finally here.

Exposing The Truth

Submitted by ub on

Veracity, sincerity, candor, honesty, genuineness; gospel, accuracy, correctness, rightness, validity, factualness, factuality, authenticity; TRUTH

Human beings on earth have worshipped TRUTH. From tribal beliefs and organized faiths, they hold truths as their best option.

Truth is in the eyes of a beholder, as some would argue using terms like alternative facts.


Submitted by ub on

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation." Declaration of Independence

Stop US Concentration Camps

Submitted by ub on

In immigration detention, the dirty secret is a great unwashed as conditions are worsening for hundreds of migrant children held in detention.

How can it be that US taxpayer funded and privately run concentration camps have been established by The Republican administration? Americans must demand that it stop immediately. This is not a scarcity issue, nor a cost issue. This is a #GOP policy nightmare.