
Mark RED Twain

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Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known by his pen name Mark Twain, was an American writer, humorist, entrepreneur, and publisher.

He was lauded as the "greatest humorist the United States has produced," and William Faulkner called him "the father of American literature".

Red or ginger hair occurs naturally in one to two percent of humans, appearing with greater frequency two to six percent among people of Northern or Northwestern European ancestry and lesser frequency in other populations.

Truth and Democracy

Submitted by ub on

The rise of Fascism in Spain followed a classic trajectory that can serve as a blueprint for how Democracy can be destroyed.  

My grandfather's family fled Fascism in Spain and my dad's family lost everything when we left Communism in Cuba. These facts underline how liars can dismantle our fragile Democracy.

Hit Them Where It Hurts

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Are you sick and tired of the evil propaganda and the big lies being spread over the airwaves by USA Radio and TV broadcasters?

There is a clear difference between news and views, and every American should know that they can fight back against hate, miss-information and negative rhetoric.

The Federal Communications Commission is responsible for managing and licensing the electromagnetic spectrum for commercial users and for non-commercial users in all USA states, counties, and local governments. 

No Mo Cuomo?

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New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's political career appears in tatters following serious allegations of assorted wrongdoing. 

NY Senator and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand are calling for him to resign in the wake of sexual harassment allegations and his handling of Covid19 deaths at state nursing homes. The overwhelming majority of Democrats in the NY congressional delegation, including Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Jerrold Nadler, agree following increased allegations of sexual harassment and other misconduct.

Missing My Chick Favorites

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CHIC COREA WAS A KEYBOARDIST OF OUR GENERATION - I’ve been devastated by the passing of Chick Corea.  I think of him in the same way the generation before me thought of Duke Ellington or Count Basie, Bill Evans, Wynton Kelly, Barry Harris, Sun Ra, I could go on, knowing there are many other keyboardists and pianist-band leaders who stood out in previous generations and became the Jazz standard-bearers of their generation.

DonAdolf Dynasty, or Die Nasty?

Submitted by ub on

The takeaway is simply this. if you can't beat them, then cheat them with as many lies as possible and plenty of hate and violence.

A Failing Falling GOP

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As a former @USAGov Division Chief for George HW Bush, the last real Republican POTUS, it brings me no pleasure to ask
why American voters ignored the lies and warning signs of the GOP White House and #CULT45 inflicted on our Democracy? How could Republican leaders have voiced early alarms about a rogue president, then discussed it but set them aside? Possibly because they are liars who distort reality to shape their politics. These people are immune to evidence, logic, or scientific information, and they continue to recycle them.

Cult 45 Conspirators?

Submitted by ub on

Is there a Trump treason troupe that has now spread to 45 members of the Senate and over twice as many US Congress members?

Senators were sworn in as jurors in former President Trump’s impeachment trial, and then Republicans forced a vote on the constitutionality of the process.

Look Away Dixieland?

Submitted by ub on

The song's origins are murky, and its lyrics nonsensical. Very fitting for the actions, words, and scam of a northern snake oil salesman.

The word have invigorated dance hall drunks, given zest to presidential campaigns, and inspired military ardor. It's also been abhorred by some, who view it as a lingering tribute to slavery.