
Evil Qnievel Empire

Submitted by ub on

Putin and Trump are both infamous pathological liars and not real geniuses as they would want their followers to continue believing.

Their American and Russian admirers will accept everything they are told but will never accept freedom and human rights regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more.

Brother Moon

Submitted by ub on

Talking, writing, oral, and reading skills simultaneously through understanding the relationship between reading and moon writing.

Are you feeling exhausted, or perhaps not inspired. It could be that you have lots of ideas but lack focus. Whatever the case, when writer’s block, appears, just dismiss your fears with creative inspiration for what to write about.

Just sit down and write your ideas right out of your mind and onto the page. You can find new angles on something you know about.


Submitted by ub on

The Russian nation's problems go far beyond Vladimir Putin and all his Kremlin Communist cronies and all their citizens.

Since the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, global observers keep focusing on Putin. The Communist despot who brainwashes his people and runs his country with terror. While this is true, the real problem is Russia.

Multilingual Digital Maestro

Submitted by ub on

I’ve been involved in digital media as long as it has been around. I’ve seen many words and phrases become popular, then wearing out. Terms, like new media, convergence, multimedia, and cutting edge.

Baboon Putin

Submitted by ub on

Hear and watch #VladimirPutin speaking in #English and tell me if he does not look very much like a mandrill or a baboon mix?

Mandrills are shy and reclusive primates that live only in the rain forests of equatorial Africa, according to National Geographic nationalgeographic.com

Fussing Over Russians

Submitted by ub on

Federal Communications Commission regulations require broadcasters to serve their community, but it may not apply to FOX TV. 

Ukraine Invasion

Submitted by ub on

Todo el prestigio d ucrania
Brillando con dignidad
Defienden la libertad
Contra el terror y la infamia

Razón justicia y dolor
En una misma trinchera
Es la historia verdadera
De un pueblo lleno d honor

La insistencia d un malvado
Por quererlo dominar
A tenido que escuchar
Q el mundo lo ha condenado

Tal dictador reciclado
En la esfera comunista
Con pretensiones zarista
Hoy intenta su reinado

Vil condenado al fracaso
Por el terror implantar
El clamor universal
Ha expresado su rechazo


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Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez was a Colombian novelist, author, screenwriter, and journalist, known as GABITO.


Submitted by ub on

“The first casualty when war comes is truth.”

The original quote is "The first casualty when war comes is truth". Hiram W Johnson, staunchly isolationist senator for California, to the US Senate in 1917 (the year of his election to the Senate, where he remained until his death in 1945).

The Evil Empire

Submitted by ub on

The Russians will forever be tied to lying and attacking neighbors but they have no one else to place the blame but Vladimir Putin.

I am not a registered Republican or a Democrat. I have no political affiliation. Nevertheless, I was the youngest GM15-10 to be recruited by the last real Republican Regan-Bush Administration.